Feeling disgruntled

No offence but how are we supposed to progress in this game if certain mats are nearly impossible to get…
I have 22 heroes waiting for compasses and haven’t ever got one…could the developers care to explain why I should pay to attempt to get them from the store when the odds of being struck by lightening in a Canadian winter are higher…
It’s frustraing in the fact that even after filling chests, doing the special chests, going as far as I can in the events…nothing…what motivation does this give people to continue playing when you can’t progress…

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So you haven’t been able to complete the next to last level of Farholme? What is your TP and how long have you been playing?


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Fine Gloves have been more elusive then Compasses for me. While it is frustrating, I like that you can’t buy your way to the top. Money helps but without the ascension materials you can only grow so fast and I like that. I’m cheap to play. I do think the ascension items could be a little easier to come by.


TP is 3368 and stuck…waiting on compasses to try and decide who to ascend. Been playing for about 5 months…I have 3 5*’s, Dominita whom I have at 3/63 and will get her up to 70. Others are Joon and Marjana whom I can’t ascend as waiting on compasses…bunch of other heroes stuck as well.

Compass is guaranteed every other Farholme Pass, for completing level 4. With a team of 3/60 4 stars or even maxed 3 stars you can clear that level


Perhaps haven’t seen Fairholme for a bit and that could be a reason. I’ve also thrown a ton of feeders into levelling what heroes I have to the Max I can get them to which for 99% is 3/60.
I guess I’ll see when Fairholme comes around again if I can get one, then it’s a major decision as to who ascend to Tier 4.

You should be able to complete all Farholme with that TP I think. That will give you a compass for next to last level and d. Blade for last level. Rare quests spawn about every 1.5 weeks and run in a cycle of 7…so every 10 to 11 weeks you can grab a compass.

You will find as you progress that the 3 star mats are plentiful…I have a surplus of all of them. The 4 star mats are harder to come by, and for that reason I would suggest maxing out your 4 star heroes while collecting the mats needed for the 5 stars


Am definitely going to do that. Will have a major decision to make when I do finally get compasses. I know they will come and that the mats needed to get the 5*’s up are going to be hard to come by.
Understand that it can be frustrating but hopefully it will increase the enjoyment when can finally ascend.

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I could use about 20 Damascus blades and Tomes. Sitting at 3/70 is frustrating. But gives me time to ascend 4* hero’s

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Keep your head up tazman.

Just make sure to beat all of the quests and events. I was short on those once upon a time. Now I have plenty but short on other items.

Nature of the game


Personally, I like the slow drip of ascension items. You can’t just buy a bunch of heroes and go to the top. You have to grind and put your time in.

I went about four months with no compasses at all. Now I have 14 but only 2 fine gloves. Always something.

Appreciate the help everyone. Goes to show that patience is a virtue. Will keep plugging away. :slight_smile:


Consider yourself lucky dear… i play from august 2018 and till now no 5 *… at all… so if you are unlucky in one part you get lucky in other part… is a kind of balance i think. And yes with your TP you can solve RARE quests easy and get those special items that you are looking for

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Compasses are plentiful: Farholme Pass and every month in the event there is at least one, most times two. Gloves are much harder to come by, so if you have gloves and no compasses consider yourself lucky!

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