February 2022 Balance Update - Discussion

I can’t reply to @Homaclese thread for some reason, so I’ll use here.


You’re right. Absolutely right.

But things could be different if SG release CKrampus back in 2021 December with the current “balance” stats and specials.

Instead, they release the so called “OP”, nerf it and people who got them complain being treated as biased.

I’d give an example of you buying a car that’s a steal where the car being release has half the price of a Tesla but with capability of self driving. Eventually the company decides to take away that functionality as it deems that price is too cheap for that function. You could argue heck yeah it’s still okay considering it’s still very cheap. But isn’t it pretty deceiving considering you bought the car anticipating the self driving? Things could be different if they release that car with the same price but without the self driving capability; people would then have an objective decision to make.

Its not exactly 1 to 1 comparison, but it does for me.