Favourite Thing 2024

Saturday morning in springtime should be a time for positivity, so lets try this…

Name your current fave, tip-top, very best thing about E&P in 2024.

You can pick anything at all, from collecting new cards to the giant heads on Toons to stealing kills in W3K, but it can only be one thing.

Your absolute best thing about the game.


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When this ends. I look forward to the information. The main thing for 2024

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My luck this Spring has been insane, Goblins galore and a GG.

When’s the thread for Summer 2024 coming out?

My best thing so far this year was trying to pull Xie Zi Jing at the beginning of April. I did about 20 coin pulls and got Tang which was pretty nice but I definitely wanted Xie more. Then I did a single 30 pull and this happened:

I was really happy about that because this saved probably a lot of my budget :sweat_smile:

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2x speed in stages with 6 tickets everyday but you pay for it. And the free pull once in a while. Rather than that the game slowly sinks in the bottom of the Atlantic ocean.

Whats a GG?

I think we all know what I’m gonna say… Monster Island…
Monster Island
Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Garrison Guard :wink:

I dont pull from that portal so those ones have escaped my attention completely :joy:

They’re like your favourite toons but perhaps edgier

My favorite things 2024 is active community forum. Come in dead.meet someone special dream complete real in present.and pull many hero i like. wait update game.excited what new upcoming game

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There are many ‘special’ people on this forum.

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Real life not forum.this forum all e&p game playing family members

My alliance. I get energy back when interacting with them, and I very much enjoy our ally chat. Great bunch of folks, who always give kindness - and where I can find solace after tough days in “real life”

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Monster island was by far my favorite event. It was a super fun alliance building as well. It’ll be nice to do it again with more strategy. I also love just seeing my teams get stronger for each war… slowly building up 6 worthwhile teams

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I think MI would probably be my choice too.

All forms of PvP have become pretty depressing.

I definitely find Pve more enjoyable

I love Contest of Elements. Fun way to see how my roster has grown since the last time, and to mix and match my roster into 5 usable teams