Hello I have 4 people in my family that play we joined an alliance now no one active so we are playing alone in war and Titan attacks we have won about 60% of the wars but having trouble with 4 and 5 star Titian’s we range from 2700 to 3500 would like a family friendly alliance
Stopped by just to say welcome to the forum community. I know you’ll be inundated with offers shortly - GL on the decision making to come
@Guvnor do you have something suitable at Groot? .
Hiya @Bama-Bomb & welcome to the forum!
Unfortunately @Sarah2 we don’t have space for 4 players currently in Volume 4 (down to 1 space now).
But never fear! You will get heaps of offers I know @Noble_Weasel has a family oriented alliance & may be open to having you?
Thanks for replying and want to keep family together wife got me started
Have a look at Titan Smash. We have 6 open slots.
There is an 8* Emperor Dragon to deal with.
Hey ! Check out Rob the Bruce. Everyone is very active, but also very chill. There are several open spaces and we’d love to have you merge. Currently trying to strengthen the squad. Still facing 6* Titan as we’re fairly new but looking to improve. Coordination and communication required to participate in war.
Hi. Check out akkadian cocoon. We are very family friendly and already have 2 families playing. We are supportive, friendly, and greatly enjoy playing this game. Give us a look. Hopefully you’ll like what you see. Thanks and stay safe and healthy.
@Guvnor, thanks for the call-out. We do have a family friendly alliance, but I actually try to keep it to people I know IRL or with just a degree of separation. Frustrating not to be able to recruit more active players, but I just feel better about doing it that way.
@Bama-Bomb, congrats on getting the family involved. I play with my girls and my nephew. Pretty sure it would be a cold day in heck before my wife joined up, though. Have a blast, and welcome to the forum.
We have room for 4, we have two couples of husband and wife with us already. Looking for in or around lvl 30-40 to keep balance.
Players from US, South Africa and UK.
Check us out in game, just search for AHL.
EDIT: 8* titans
EDIT 2: Happy to lower trophies if required, just set high to stop randoms joining
We have spaces at Scottishknights89.
We are a friendly bunch, a bit of banter now and then but always looking to help out fellow players. Currently hitting 5* titans but looking for a few more players to take us a bit further.
Give us a look
i will drop our tags and you will have to invite i am with no chance you will see the 4 of us
Sounds great! Looking forward to having you. Right in time for Wednesday war, too.
Talk soon
i droped sent a request will do rest this afternoon
Hi Bama-Bomb,
We at “Coffee and Donuts” are quite family friendly alliance & have space for 4 people,we use all our war flags and killing 9-10* titans.
You are welcome to check us out,peace.
Hi there,
Come have a look at us you’ll will love it,
—[#66ffff] New Alliance looking for active, experienced players! 2000+tp and 1800+ cups! [#ffff99]Titans, war, and communication will be required. [#ffccff] Line ID: [#ff33ff]knutmeg
If you are happy in a new home, flag or tag @ a moderator, and they will close this thread. GL
Hey Bama-bomb. Go check out Utah trail hunters… we can surely make room for you guys. We have a off game chat room that we bounce ideas off each other, ie, lineups, notifications, hero advice and pairings… check us out and let me know. We have some fat we can trim…
thanks for contacting me joined an alliance looks like a great fit thanks again to all
Check us out for the fun and stay for the friendship. We are looking for active players that want to grow strong together!
Bama-Bomb, we would like to invite you and your family to join us in our Alliance: Chaotic Knights. You are welcome to give us a try out and see if it is a good fit.
See you soon.
If you flag the post as “something else” you can ask the mods to close the topic so you don’t get mobbed with other requests. If you decide to move in the future you can flag the mods to reopen the thread.
EDIT: or you can have someone comment and hope @Guvnor sees it