👊 facepunch S4 surprise OP <easy-normal> stages tracking: 28-2,6; 29-8; 30-2,6 and so on _ _ _

they deffinitely tweaked some things, cause in first day on easy, a mob was doing 350(not 750) damage, and now on 30-2 same mob with 2800 atk (not2400 as in 28-2) is doing 450: they didnt (probably they upped or not decreased - nope) the heroes defense. (edited)
2400 instead of 1500 attack on mobs on easy s4? - #6 by BoolzSan_CrewKNIGHTS

rectifying: it;s the same… boss did that… and now he does 900 dmg, so it is in the ‘a bit more’ parameters