Extra roster space

Since the way of using your double, triple or even more 5* hero’s have been pushed back and not been implemented into HA I think SG could do something with extra roster space.
The FTP and CTP players will be running into the problem more and more often if getting out of space to store hero’s.
I am at level 64 myself and have a maximum of 170 roster space. Yes that means I had to buy extra space already. But seeing the chances of landing a 5* hero with free or almost free gems is very very limited, I notice that free space keeps getting more and more rare.
I have 25 hero’s of 5* out of tc20 that are at least double (but have 6 Sartana for example. All waiting for a way to be used in a good way (other than food) and keeping my roster clogged.
Receiving s3 3* hero’s now from the hard earned tokens is a welcome thing as they are new and not double s1 hero’s but adding new hero’s is taking up the very limited roster space we have.
So I suggest that SG does a recalculation on what would be a fair amount of rosterspace for all the heros that are now out there to get.
This system has been based on the idea of s1 and never ever been adjusted but the amount of new hero’s being added keeps growing with every new implemented feature.
So stop being so tight with roster space and help us out here!

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