Emblems are major issue not OP cards

Lately most of players have 15+ defence and now it is major problem to fight such defences.
Here is why feom my exporience:

  1. 3+2 is not strong enough. even mono is not strong enough anymore. I would prefer fight original TGV without emblems but not +20
  2. Because of point 1, you have to run mono 90% (not always) of a time. Especially at war.
  3. Can’t use 4* heroes and 5* at 3.70 because they are too weak or their special even with +20 emblems doesnt do much damage. Yes, there some really shinnig stars 4* like Jackal, Almur. But all others.
  4. So if you can’t use 4* for war and raids - there is no point leveling them. Odds for 5* are so low now, even 20tc does not deliver them.
  5. Now with extra nerf - even heroes I have - telly + vela will become weaker. After nerf telly is not good for offence, vela also deals less damage as there are not many red in opponent defence and another nerf upcoming.
  6. So maybe SG can suggest wars and some raiding without embelms - this will bring more ballance then nerf heroes we spent so much on.
    take those badges away and leave heroes alone!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Should emblems be addressed?