Elemental Chest Frequency - days tracking and results > estimated between 4 to 16 days

Hi again guys, thanks to all the ones that contribute to the Elemental chest project , just a friendly remainder of posting your chests in the google form if you have time !
By the way congrats on the ones that got 4* AM or high amount of emblems!

Yay!!! Huzzah!!!. An elemental chest in the hero slot!! #1 in ~450 days!!!

Do I ever feel BLESSED???

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Here is one from April 4th I’ve been sitting on.

|:hash:|Date|Color|Pos|4 :star:|3 :star:|EHT|ETT|:gem:|:trident:/:anchor:|:large_blue_circle:|:key:|:champagne:|:crossed_swords:|
| — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — | — |
|1|2020-01-01|Holy|Monster|-|Sturdy Shield|1|0|30|2|30|N/A|TE|trainer1|
|2|2020-01-06|Holy|Monster|Tome of Tactics|Warm Cape|0|0|20|5|10|N/A|TE|trainer2|
|3|2020-01-24|Nature|Raid|-|Warm Cape|0|0|30|10|10|1|WE|trainer1|
|4|2020-02-02|Dark|Titan|- |Gloves & Shield|1|1|30|5|20|1|TE|trainer2|
|5|2020-02-10|Dark|Monster|-|Fine Gloves|0|0|30|5|20|1|TE|trainer1|
|6|2020-02-26|Holy|Raid|Poison Darts |Fine Gloves|1|0|50|10|10|1|RE|trainer2|
|7|2020-03-5|Ice|Monster|-|Fine Gloves|1|0|40|30|10|1|RE|trainer1|
|8|2020-03-23|Dark|Raid|Tome of Tactics|Hidden Blade|1|0|20|10|30|1|RE|trainer1|
|9|2020-04-4|Holy|Raid|Poison Darts|Trap Tools|1|0|50|3|20|1|WE|trainer1|


12 days apart .Ice chest loot


Above is April 2nd - Holy chest

April 14th - fire chest. 12 days between. Yes the fire chest loot is complete garbage.

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5th since tracking. 19 days. Dark in the hero slot. 7-4 to fill. Zero unfarmable AM. Very disappointing chest. Stopped my habit of hanging in a much lower raid arena than I was capable of in order to fill hero chests, so my fill rate was definitely down on those.

:hash: Date Color Chest 4* 3* EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :old_key:
1 2020-02-20 Fire Hero - TrapT - - 20 10 10 RA T2 1
2 2020-03-06 Fire Hero - TratT 1 1 30 5 20 WE T1 2
3 2020-03-17 Ice Monster - Cape - - 30 5 10 TI T1 1
4 2020-03-26 Dark Hero Scope - - 1 20 10 10 TI T1 1
5 2020-04-14 Dark Hero - - 1 - 40 10 10 RA T1 1

All in all very disappointing. My first one without at least one unfarmable mat.


22 chests, 4days between elementals. This was a blue sitting in the monster position. Only AM was a compass

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En ce qui concerne l’apparition des coffres Ă©lĂ©mentaires, il existe une mĂ©thode simple et efficace mais onĂ©reuse pour augmenter leur frĂ©quence: il s’agit du saut de compteur temps.

Ainsi, depuis que je pratique cette méthode, le nombre de coffres rares par mois a évolué entre 4 et 6.
Le plus intĂ©ressant dans ce type de tirage, c’est qu’il est possible de deviner, de cerner quel Ă©lĂ©ment a le plus de chance d’apparaĂźtre pour la couleur du coffre : en effet, je suis parti de l’idĂ©e que le jeu et SG n’était pas conçu pour nous empĂȘcher de progresser mais bien au contraire de nous aider, Ă  partir du moment oĂč le joueur investit du temps et de l’argent.

Fort de ce prĂ©cepte, j’ai Ă©tudiĂ© parmi mes hĂ©ros 5 Ă©toiles en cours de up, ceux qui demandaient le plus d’items utiles Ă  leur progression et Ă©volution : j’ai posĂ© le postulat que lorsqu’un hĂ©ro est bien avancĂ© , non seulement les camps d’entrainement alĂ©atoires (pour lesquels on ne choisit pas l’élĂ©ment) donnent plus favorablement des hĂ©ros de la couleur attendue, mais les coffres Ă©lĂ©mentaires suivent Ă©galement la mĂȘme voie.

Je vous invite donc Ă  vĂ©rifier par vous-mĂȘmes ce que je vous explique ci-dessus : prenez 2 ou 3 hĂ©ros, chacun de couleur diffĂ©rente, qui sont les mieux Ă©voluĂ©s en terme de up dans votre deck, et pointez les couleurs des hĂ©ros “sac Ă  dos”, â€œĂ©pĂ©e” et “lambeaux” (ceux que j’appele alĂ©atoires) , ainsi que la couleur des coffres rares. Vous vous apercevrez que la tendance couleur dominante correspond la plupart du temps Ă  vos hĂ©ros les plus en avance sur leur up.

Salutations :wink:

I have almost forgotten that elemental chests exist. My usual spawn time is between 25-40 days :confused:

Let me guess. You don’t fill many hero chests?

I used to have this problem too. For the first POV I started cup dropping HARD, permanently hanging in Bronze even though I belong in Platinum. I filled hero chests like crazy off of easy revenges. That’s when my chests started showing up regularly again and when I started tracking them here.

I’ve changed strategy a bit with the new POV since I had to climb back up to platinum and win in order to complete the POV challenge. I know that raid chest filling is necessary to keep the elementals coming though (or at least that’s what it seems like to me), so I’m focusing on those even though I don’t enjoy raiding in my proper tier as much.

The side benefit of doing this is that I’ve gotten better at raiding and consequently at war too. It’s not as bad as it was before and I’m enjoying it now. Primarily though, I like keeping the elemental chests coming.

Maybe it’s not the cause of your elemental scarcity, but I know from this thread where I see the guys maxxing chest skips and getting one every 4 days, me getting one every 12-19 days and how infrequently I used to get them, there’s definitely a correlation with the number filled, though I haven’t seen any of the data miners statistically determine a number.

I got two chests on the same day pretty much. One looked like yours (Holy), while the other one was better (Fire)!


@sft1965 That’s a weird one that would leave me conflicted. Great token pulls, my favorite flask, 6 tickets and a choice battle item, but not a single unfarmable mat. :confused:


@NotEye. The other chest was Holy (on my alt) but I don’t have the screenshot on this computer. If it had contained a compass I would have been bleeding (instead I am being inundated with warm cloaks from all over!!).
1 Orichalcum nugget
1 fine gloves
1 hidden blade
1 super heal pot
30 gems
2 HT
6 loot tix
10 wizard emblems
1 Titan flask
1 1* trainer hero (Red!!!)
10 Valhalla coins
1 costume key.


@sft1965 That’s a pretty solid one. Gloves and blade are nice. Not many elemental chests for me with 2 unfarmable mats. Also 6 tickets, which I prize above most other things for AR farming. :slight_smile:

Congrats. Despite my complaining tone, I’m always happy to have an elemental chest, even when they aren’t incredible. :slight_smile:

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Click for Table Legend
Header Meaning
4 :star: 4* Ascension Materials, i.e. Rings, Darts, Tonics, Telescopes, and Tabards
3 :star: 3* Unfarmable Ascension Materials, i.e. Compass, Gloves, Hidden Blade, Orb, Shield, Cape, Trap Tools
EHT Epic Hero Token
ETT Epic Troop Token
:gem: Gems
:trident: Atlantis Coins
:hammer: Valhalla Coins
:large_blue_circle: Emblems
:champagne: Flasks, i.e. WE (World Energy), RE (Raid Energy), TE (Titan Energy)
:crossed_swords: Trainer Hero, i.e. trainer1 (1*), trainer2 (2*), trainer3 (3*)
:key: Costume Keys
:hash: Date Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :hammer: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords: :key:
1 2020-01-06 Fire Titan Rings Gloves - - 30 3 NA 20 RE trainer1
2 2020-01-13 Dark Monster Damascus Blade - - - 40 10 NA 20 WE trainer1
3 2020-01-20 Nature Raid - Hidden Blade, Compass - 1 40 3 NA 10 RE trainer1 1
4 2020-02-02 Ice Raid - Shield, Compass - - 30 3 NA 20 WE trainer2 2
5 2020-02-09 Dark Monster Telescope - 1 - 30 2 NA 20 RE trainer1 2
6 2020-02-15 Dark Raid - Orb - - 30 10 NA 30 TE trainer1 1
7 2020-02-25 Dark Raid Tome Shield 1 1 40 5 NA 20 TE trainer1 3
8 2020-03-05 Dark Raid - - - - 40 5 NA 30 WE trainer1 1
9 2020-03-16 Fire Monster - Orb, Hidden Blade - - 40 5 NA 10 WE trainer1 1
10 2020-03-24 Ice Raid - Orb, Shield - 1 30 5 NA 50 WE trainer1 1
11 2020-04-06 Holy Raid - Hidden Blade, Hidden Blade 1 - 20 NA 5 10 TE trainer1 2
12 2020-04-16 Fire Raid - Compass, Cape - 1 30 NA 5 30 TE trainer1 3
2019 Archive
:hash: Date Color Chest 4 :star: 3 :star: EHT ETT :gem: :trident: :large_blue_circle: :champagne: :crossed_swords:
1 2019-01-01 Holy Raid Tonic Gloves 1 1 20 5 NA WE trainer1
2 2019-01-11 Holy Monster - Blade - 1 20 5 NA WE trainer3
3 2019-01-22 Holy Raid Tonic Compass 1 1 30 10 20 WE trainer1
4 2019-02-11 Holy Raid - Compass - - 30 5 30 RE trainer2
5 2019-02-19 Nature Raid - Trap Tools 2 - 50 5 50 RE trainer1
6 2019-02-23 Nature Raid - Shield, Compass - 1 40 5 10 WE trainer2
7 2019-03-07 Ice Titan - Orb 1 - 30 2 10 TE trainer1
8 2019-03-18 Holy Raid - Shield, Orb - - 50 5 10 TE trainer1
9 2019-03-24 Holy Monster - Compass, Trap Tools - - 30 5 10 TE trainer1
10 2019-03-28 Holy Monster - Cape, Shield - 1 40 10 30 TE trainer1
11 2019-04-02 Nature Raid - Blade 1 - 20 10 10 WE trainer2
12 2019-04-13 Fire Raid - Orb, Trap Tools 1 1 40 10 30 RE trainer2
13 2019-04-21 Dark Raid - Shield 1 2 40 5 30 RE trainer1
14 2019-05-02 Dark Raid Tabard Shield - - 20 10 20 WE trainer1
15 2019-05-15 Ice Raid - Shield - 1 30 5 10 TE trainer2
16 2019-05-22 Fire Raid - Blade - - 30 5 10 TE trainer2
17 2019-05-26 Dark Raid - Orb, Shield 1 2 30 10 10 TE trainer1
18 2019-06-02 Red Raid Damascus - 1 1 40 3 10 TE trainer2
19 2019-06-08 Dark Monster - Blade, Shield 1 - 40 5 10 WE trainer1
20 2019-06-19 Holy Raid - Gloves, Trap Tools 1 - 30 10 10 RE trainer1
21 2019-06-24 Ice Raid Tonic Orb - 1 50 3 10 RE trainer1
22 2019-06-28 Ice Raid - - - - 50 10 10 TE trainer2
23 2019-07-02 Nature Raid - Blade, Shield 2 - 30 10 10 WE trainer1
24 2019-07-14 Dark Monster - Compass - - 30 5 20 RE trainer1
25 2019-07-18 Ice Monster - Trap Tools, Cape - 1 40 10 10 RE trainer1
26 2019-07-28 Dark Monster - - 1 - 50 5 10 TE trainer2
27 2019-08-06 Holy Monster - Blade, Blade - - 30 5 10 TE trainer1
28 2019-08-17 Fire Raid - Blade 1 - 30 5 10 RE trainer1
29 2019-08-26 Dark Monster - Gloves, Shield - 1 30 5 10 WE trainer1
30 2019-09-02 Nature Raid Tome Cape 1 - 30 5 10 TE trainer1
31 2019-09-12 Dark Monster Tome Cape 1 - 30 5 20 WE trainer1
32 2019-09-21 Dark Raid - Orb, Orb 1 1 30 5 10 TE trainer2
33 2019-10-03 Nature Monster - Gloves, Cape 1 - 30 3 20 RE trainer1
34 2019-10-08 Nature Raid - Orb 1 - 40 5 50 RE trainer1
35 2019-10-21 Ice Raid - Shield 1 - 40 10 10 TE trainer1
36 2019-11-01 Dark Raid - Compass - - 40 20 10 RE trainer1
37 2019-11-10 Dark Raid - Cape - - 30 3 10 WE trainer1
38 2019-11-14 Fire Raid - Shield - - 20 3 10 WE trainer1
39 2019-11-26 Ice Monster - Compass 1 - 50 3 20 WE trainer3
40 2019-12-01 Ice Raid - Cape, Shield - - 30 5 20 RE trainer1
41 2019-12-14 Dark Raid - Trap Tools, Compass - - 30 5 20 TE trainer1
42 2019-12-24 Nature Raid - Hidden Blade 1 1 30 5 10 WE trainer3

You can’t be more wrong. I fill them everytime they refresh within a Day. Except Titans of course. 20 days from Last time now and still counting

@PonySlaystation Really? Wow. That’s a terrible drop rate.

My last one was 19 days even filling regularly, but I thought that was about as long as it would extend. Sorry to hear that, and sorry for assuming.

Within a day??? No wonder you have low elemental chest rate.

I fill them within 30 minutes.

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Completely agree with @yelnats_24 . Data suggest arounds 32-33 chests open (non elemental) you get a new one (this is an average, lowest in dataset around 10, highest 54).
Just as example, I get one every 7-9 days, opening most days 4 chests, some days 5. I have friend in the alliance gets an elemental every 5-6 days, but he opens 6 chests a day

@PonySlaystation you just need to open chests more frequently to get more elementals!


15th Elemental Chest of 2020

10 days

Elemental Chests of 2020:

No Element Source Date 4☆ 3☆ (Unfarmable) Flask Emblems Gems EHT ETT A/V Coin Key Ticket Trainer C. Mar B. Item
1 Holy Monster 1-Jan-20 - -
2 Holy Monster 10-Jan-20 - Trap Tools, Trap Tools
3 Fire Raid 15-Jan-20 - Trap Tools World 30 50 1 0 5 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
4 Dark Raid 20-Jan-20 - Hidden Blade World 10 30 0 1 10 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
5 Fire Monster 26-Jan-20 - Sturdy Shield World 10 30 1 0 5 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
6 Ice Monster 4-Feb-20 - Sturdy Shield Titan 10 30 1 0 5 1 6 2☆ 4☆ 3☆
7 Ice Monster 10-Feb-20 - Hidden Blade, Trap Tools Titan 10 30 1 0 3 1 0 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
8 Fire Raid 19-Feb-20 - Fine Gloves Raid 10 30 0 0 5 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
9 Nature Monster 26-Feb-20 - - Titan 10 30 0 0 3 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 3☆
10 Nature Monster 6-Mar-20 - Compass, Sturdy Shield Raid 50 40 1 0 10 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 3☆
11 Ice Raid 12-Mar-20 Poison Darts Fine Gloves Titan 10 20 0 0 5 3 6 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
12 Fire Monster 18-Mar-20 - Hidden Blade Titan 30 40 0 0 5 1 3 1☆ 4☆ 3☆
13 Ice Raid 31-Mar-20 - Trap Tools World 10 30 0 0 10 1 6 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
14 Fire Raid 7-Apr-20 - Fine Gloves, Warm Cape World 50 40 0 0 10 1 3 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
15 Ice Raid 17-Apr-20 - Fine Gloves, Warm Cape World 30 30 0 1 5 1 4 1☆ 4☆ 4☆
2018-2019 Archive
No Element Source Date 4☆ 3☆ (Unfarmable)
1 Holy Raid Late October ? ?
2 Fire Raid November ? ?
3 Ice Monster November ? ?
4 Fire Raid November ? ?
5 Ice Titan December ? ?
6 Dark Monster December ? ?
7 Fire Monster December ? ?
8 Dark Monster January ? ?
9 Ice Monster January ? ?
10 Holy Raid January ? ?
11 Holy Raid February ? ?
12 Fire Raid February ? ?
13 Dark Monster February ? ?
14 Nature Raid 6-Mar-19 Mystic Rings Orb of Magic
15 Nature Monster 16-Mar-19 - Orb of Magic
16 Fire Raid 25-Mar-19 - Fine Gloves, Warm Cape
17 Holy Monster 8-Apr-19 - -
18 Ice Monster 14-Apr-19 Damascus Blade Trap Tools
19 Dark Raid 24-Apr-19 Damascus Blade Trap Tools
20 Holy Raid 8-May-19 - Sturdy Shield
21 Holy Monster 18-May-19 - Hidden Blade, Sturdy Shield
22 Holy Raid 24-May-19 - Fine Gloves, Trap Tools
23 Nature Raid 1-Jun-19 - Orb of Magic
24 Holy Monster 11-Jun-19 - Fine Gloves
25 Fire Raid 21-Jun-19 - Sturdy Shield
26 Ice Monster 25-Jun-19 - Orb of Magic
27 Ice Raid 3-Jul-19 - Fine Gloves
28 Nature Raid 15-Jul-19 - Warm Cape
29 Nature Raid 24-Jul-19 - Hidden Blade
30 Nature Raid 4-Aug-19 Royal Tabbard -
31 Nature Monster 9-Aug-19 - Trap Tools, Warm Cape
32 Nature Monster 17-Aug-19 - Fine Gloves
33 Nature Raid 24-Aug-19 Mysterious Tonic -
34 Holy Monster 1-Sep-19 - Sturdy Shield
35 Nature Raid 6-Sep-19 - Trap Tools, Warm Cape
36 Ice Raid 12-Sep-19 - Orb of Magic
37 Fire Raid 22-Sep-19 - Sturdy Shield, Trap Tools
38 Holy Raid 29-Sep-19 - -
39 Ice Raid 12-Oct-19 - Orb of Magic
40 Ice Raid 26-Oct-19 Poison Darts -
41 Fire Raid 4-Nov-19 - -
42 Holy Raid 14-Nov-19 - Trap Tools, Warm Cape
43 Dark Raid 29-Nov-19 Farsight Telescope -
44 Holy Raid 3-Dec-19 - Sturdy Shield
45 Ice Monster 18-Dec-19 - Orb of Magic, Sturdy Shield
46 Dark Monster 23-Dec-19 - Compass, Compass