đŸ§Ș Early information on the February 2021 HOTM Uraeus

He is basically a slightly slower sartana, with a dot that takes half the time to deal damage, except the dot hits everyone, and he heals from destroying minions, and gains minions, and and and. Lol.

What this means ? 

If you’re fighting at the leaderboard level, then yes, this is true. When you’re fighting with those who can just buy any hero they want, essentially, everyone’s gonna have this guy. But if you’re on the leaderboard, I’ll bet you have other tanks and I probably won’t feel too bad for you anyway. The leaderboard is Sparta, and your throat will be shoved through a meat grinder sooner or later. It is brutality.

However, for everyone fighting outside that league, not everyone will have Uraeus. You can still use Telluria and she’ll still be awesome. She has a counter, yes, but every hero should have more than one counter. You know what? Maybe I’m beating a dead horse on this one. We all know Telluria needs counters. Let’s move on to

Yes, Uraeus is also hard counter to Krampus, Santa, Mother North, Delilah, and every other summoner under the blazing Egyptian sun–even the new poor, innocent monthlies who just have summoning element links and don’t deserve this treatment. You know what also kills those heroes? Lianna. Joon. Sartana. Heroes that do damage can kill anything. Point is, things die. Your squad can and will be beaten anyway. Everyone’s mortal. Your win rate will stay the same, I expect. Those who buy Uraeus likely have other heroes who could beat you anyway. Personally, I think it makes little to no difference. I acknowledge Uraeus vs. minions is far more powerful than snipers, but that’s how I think it should be. He needs a nerf, yes, but if you’ve got summoners, this realm is his now. This is his special niche. He was built for this and only this. In this scenario, I believe he should rightfully be the most powerful hero in the game.

Unless we’re trying to stay on the leaderboard, we won’t even know or care. My tank is Telluria. Uraeus will come for me occasionally, and I’ll be a victim to those select few who have Uraeus. But I’m fine with that. 30 trophies every few days is all I lose. If Uraeus were handed to all players for free, it’d be a different story


I do not think than he is better than C. Joon honestly. He is average and have same damage. Just trading blind and fast speed to minion utility.

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I think the only thing that would need a change is “426 damage over 3 turns.” That’s entirely ginormous. Most minions are tiny babies. Telly’s minions don’t even have half that many hit points! How cruel! But I like it. :smiling_imp:

Edit: Wait
 Or does he need a nerf? :thinking: Maybe
 Maybe a small one? Anyway, I hope he stays awesome. I like him!

We’ve had a lot of people say “Stop nerfing Telluria! Just make new heroes that counter her!” And now finally, almost a year after her, I can hear SG cracking their knuckles and it sounds beautiful. I love Gefjon too, but she’s not very accessible. And now we have
tenor (1)


Here’s the thing, I actually want him to deal this damage and be a good counter. I just don’t think that he should bypass minions.

If he bypasses he is doing a sartana snipe shot and like 225-250% damage to everyone including the person he sniped lol.


Bypassing minions is too much? Only the impact bypasses. The minion’s still there. So this only makes a difference if the target’s already near death, right? Please feel free to correct me. Could it smash a summoner who’s at half health? That could be scary. My team’s heavy hitter is Bai Yeong, so I’m very likely underestimating the power of this true sniper here XD

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Ya hitting for 485% is Joon level damage, but if it bypasses the minion, that means the target who takes the hit has a minion, they will also take the 400 something damage, over 500 damage with emblems in addition.

That means they essentially can 1 shot squishy heroes who have minions. Especially since most minions hp is around 200.


485% damage stacking with this massive DoT
 I hadn’t actually thought of that. That is deadly. Ouch. Maybe if the DoT applied to other heroes with minions, not including the target? I like this absolutely withering DoT, but stacking that with Joon is
 Yeah, that’s a bit much

Also, I’m used to seeing my Telly’s minions with 188 HP, I think. Who’s got 400 HP minions? Delilah & Noor? Are Telly’s minions small, or are you thinking of more powerful Tellies with their “defensive hero” boosts? Do those get that big?

Lol big typo! :joy: yes 200 hp was the intention! But ya it’s the bypass that crazy! If it was just damage to people with minions it wouldn’t be nearly as big of a problem!:+1:

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If he did the same stuff, but his impact damage didn’t bypass, he’d kill the minion first and the DoT wouldn’t apply to the target. Is that what you’re suggesting? If he did the DoT to the target anyway, then he’d still be overpowered?
Or is it fine that he does DoT to target, you just don’t want him cutting through and hitting past the minion immediately? I thought 485% skipping the minion was small potatoes, but whether or not the DoT applies makes a big difference

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Ya exactly, if the 485 doesn’t bypass the minion, then he can’t one shot someone with a weak minion. Think if someone had an almost dead minion with 50hp.

They get hot for 700 damage, then over 500 dot, so they take 1,150 damage from 1 single ability, then everyone else takes over 500 dot(assuming it goes up with emblems)

Seems a bit overloaded. Minion-piercing sniper? Pretty cool. But what’s all this nonsense about doing sand damage to all minion-having heroes? Seems like a convoluted way to slowly clear minions.

He will in fact be strong, but I’m just confused about his identity.

Also, he heals for 50 hp when minions die on him? That makes it even more confusing.

Yeah, this “Gen 4” thing with 3 separate bonuses is making me uneasy. Will we have a Gen 5 next year? When will it end? Will this power creep become truly significant meta-wise, too? Eventually, will we theoretically have cards with passive effects that cover half the hero’s picture? I think Gen 4’s a bit much already, and I’m also wondering what comes after that

Which is it? Does damage bypass minions (she says hopefully)?

The 485% damage will skip minions and hit the target hero directly. The DoT will chew through minions first.

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Wow! Love that

Normally minions take the damage first then excess is attributed to the hero behind (making them a meat shield).

This part of the skill means that the damage will go straight to the hero owning them leaving the minion in tact.



Perfect for the beach!

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