🧪 Early Information on ROUND 5 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Thanks @Razor

I take my hat off to you and your whole group!

Collecting data is arduous, and doesn’t pay well.
Thank you so much for all of the work you have done to paint such a clear and concise picture for a portion of our population, over the years!


For everyone else, I just went through Titan Mafia’s archives and collected their tank deltas for the past year, going back to May 16, 2019.

I chose the single highest tank of each color and plotted it.

It gives a telling visual with a couple possible

  1. Looking at Pre-Telluria gives a good visual that would support what the intention of Telly’s release was! With green essentially non existent from the meta realm, it’s not a “long-shot deduction” to say that the Dev’s intention was indeed to add variety by bringing Green up into the Tank Fold!

  2. Saturation is a “hot topic”…but certainly NOT an invalid one…
    To point at Titan Mafias data and say that it only represents the “tip of the iceberg”, may have been a valid pre-Telluria discussion point.
    But when the entire tip, drastically changes colors, with such severity and speed.
    in ways that it has never done before!
    it’s foolish to believe that this color change is only happening above water…

  3. Watching the other tank colors nose dive during Telly’s ‘romp and stomp’. How better to describe that than…a sinking feeling

It was interesting for me as I plotted this out to watch red and blue hold hands. And to watch yellow and purple dance.

Guys… if we don’t fix this… and IF the graph starts looking something like this:

That looks very expensive to me. Do you really want your gaming experience to be vs. 1 defense from here on out??