šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on Legendary Troops [Part of The Beta Beat v63]

When will the portal (for summoning 5* troop) begin?

You will able to convert Epic Troops to Legendary on January 2nd.
The Legendary Troop portal will open on January 4th.


Reading this and realising the work that was necessary makes me come to one conclusion. I donā€™t want to be a mod! To all the mods, your dedication cannot be appreciated enough!


Do you know if the cost reduction in ham and increased experience given by sacrificed troops is already applied?

I have read somewhere that it was applied from the 19th, but I donā€™t remember where, and I have not seen subsequent confirmation either.

Thank you.

Yes itā€™s live now. Go ahead to level your troops.


Thank you :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yes, but the sacraficed XP is reduced a bit compared to Beta.

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Itā€™s not going to be that they go overboard with what they give usā€¦

Can someone tell me if should I improve my current troops or itā€™s better to wait for the legendary troops?
Ia it a waist to spent on the current troops when the legendarys should appear soon?
Tnx for the help

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It does depend on your current troop roster. Plus your hero roster.

Legendary troops only give 11% mana boost at level 30. Wonā€™t work well with Fast heroes unless thereā€™s extra mana boost from other sources : costumes, family, bard, minion etc etc

Plus their maxed stat boost is best matched with their intended class: cleric troop with clerics.

You can still use them on other classes but the stat boost will not be as good as epic troops except for defence (about 20% upwards) and health (25%); both of which compensate somewhat for the lower mana boost.

Best to read the OP for details. Then look through your hero roster, before deciding whether you want to punt for legendary troops.


Can someone please tell me if should I improve my current troops or itā€™s better to wait for the legendary troops?
My concern is that a waist to spent on upgrading my current troops when the legendarys should appear soon?
Tnx for the help

Research helps

If you have got troops at 27, 28, 29, 30 then do those.


I have troops lvl 16 and can take them to 23 .

Are any of them mana yielding troops? Iā€™d get them to 23 anyway, will change your game, work on those.

Make legendary troops a secondary project, youā€™ll have more epic troops, get a few sets.


Have they decreased the cost of food or increased the XP from troop feeders for the barracks in general? I thought I only remember seeing the cost reduction would be for 5* troops but just wanted to confirm.

Can I just check you have posted this to the thread you meant to?

Confused :confused: as @PlayForFun is the OP (Original Poster) and so wouldnā€™t need to ask for it to be closed/merged.

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Yes mate, itā€™s been merged from another thread to this one, I might just delete that post as it doesnā€™t belong here.

That post was moved from another thread @ggg33 created.

You can see Dudeious has seen it

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Feeder XP boosted to +100%. A 1* feeder now gives 80 XP, no longer 40XP.

Ham increase per level up capped at 2500, down from 5500, but only for epic troops. No discount for lower grade troops.


Do you recall when this went live? I finished my third set of mono troops and was wondering why I did it so quickly. Then someone said today in my alliance they were flying through their troops and I couldnā€™t remember reading about epic ones being improved. Thatā€™s great though, thanks for the info.

@deathcake From the official launch announcementā€¦