🐉 Dragonspire - Legendary Dragon Summon - Portal Stats & Summon Results

This thread is to provide insights and discussion on the Legendary Dragon Summon for Dragonspire

Legendary Dragon Summon

This is new summon portal where you can summon for Dragons.

In current Beta the Dragon set is same, but Staff said:

  • The Legendary Dragon Summon will include fewer dragons than Silver Summon.

Apperance Rates


  • Rare Dragon: 71%
  • Epic Dragon: 26.5%
  • Legendary Dragon: 2.5%

Summon Cost

  • 1x Pull: 350 Gems or 1 Legendary Dragon Token
  • 10x Pull: 3000 Gems

Legendary Dragon Token

Image will be added.

:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Results for Legendary Dragon Summon !

Also feel free to share your summons results; Please share your entire summons experiences, not just the highlights. This provides a realistic picture rather than a distorted summary of the portal outcomes.

:question: Questions?

If you have questions about the Legendary Dragon Summon, please post them down below.

:link: Related Threads

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Slight copy/paste error here ?

Nothing to share… no dragons for me :cry:


Yes, I have fixed this copy paste error.

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Teams of all 5* dragons already…

Never underestimate the allure of showing off to boost sales I guess


Has any seen a problem where the game locks up when it directs you to the Summons portal? In my case, I had a Covenant chest reward and the game locked up when it popped up the reward. See below.

What look more like a dragon as another dragon?
It’s already hard (impossible?) to recognize all the new hero and Remember what they do…

Do you think that we’ll do it with hundreds of dragons?
I don’t think so…

I did two gem pulls and later a silver coin pull. All 3*, which means that I am currently running with 2 reds, one yellow, one blue, and a 2* green trainer. I hope more people start so that the raiding becomes more possible, since I can’t compete against all these teams of 5 5* dragons, even if they haven’t leveled anything.

Not sure which one of the yellows is the Dawa, but perhaps one is Dawa and the other is Bane.

Disappointing but I should expect it.

SG what have you done to this game?

It could have been something good, I’m mostly disappointed about different WE flasks, that’s just wrong.


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Wow 10 pulls already… The pulls are as pathetic as usual…


Did a single pull and got… this.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: :dragon: [Master Discussion] River of Resources (Dragonspire Quest)

I felt for the new shiny cute but odd looking dragons.
I made few purchases, and pulled 41 dragons.
Here is my results below.

The highlights were 2 five stars dragons

And 3 four stars dragons


The real question is, what DID you expect? They’ve been consistent with the money-grubbing. Why would they change that now?

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Personally, I’m disappointed in all the money spent on this for just ONE reason:

People pouring in their hard-earned money essentially means the game will not get better. It will get worse because the consumers are happy and satisfied with worse. Happy with less value for more of their money.

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I bought the Dragon Pass, so had an extra 300 gems from it, so decided to try one single pull in here and got Snowy (is that the blue guys name, the 3*). I have 2 of him now though, I got one from a silver coin, but obviously this early on is fine, since I need to build my roster

In a few weeks we will have like 50 new 5* dragons.


This is just Bane :sweat_smile: 20chars


Lies, all lies!

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Starter 10 pull 1 4 * with 3 *s :blush:


not so great:



I just did a 10 pulls and got lucky.
As I still can’t believe that 3 five stars dragons showed up!!

As a bonus I got 2 four stars dragons missing in my collection!

Now, I will go out and play some lottery tickets! :wink: