Dragon Cohort TMA looking for the right ones

Geat alliance, just use your titan flags and if opted in the war then use your flags and that’s it, no judgement or pressure.

Come on in you know you want to :+1:


Still recruiting, we now have 16 players. Killing 12* titans. Wars are great fun, lots of banter and team work. We have won 8 wars in a row now.

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Any questions we do have line available…not mandatory but available

Dragon Cohort TMA

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Brand New Alliance looking for a few dedicated players

Dragon Cohort TMA was just formed two weeks ago

14/30 players

  • Cup requirement 2400 to join
  • Level 50+ idealy, but we are flexible on that

We were formerly in a top 100 alliance, but that was a little too intense. Seriously, there were spread sheets analyzing everyone’s performance daily! We tried the more relaxed alliance, but that was constantly disappointing (missed war flags, missed titan hits, etc). Now we are trying to create the middle ground.

We are looking for players who will:

  • Play their war flags if opted in to the war. We are kind of intense about that part because nothing says “I don’t care” like letting the team down in a war
  • Hit titans regularly
  • And have a some fun doing it. We are fairly talkative, so we encourage banter, even if it isn’t about the game.

If you are interested in helping us build the team, you can comment here, reach out to me at Line ID Mimi6869, or just request to join and tell us in the request that you saw us on the E&P Forum

Just joined this alliance and can I say it’s like a breath of fresh air. No analysing, no spreadsheets, etc etc just nice relaxing fun

So if you’re feeling a little burnt out or under pressure to perform then check it out .

It’s worth a visit

Happy gaming


Thanks for the great feedback Marie. We’re lucky to have you on our team :slight_smile:

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I’ll drop by to visit after AQ. :smile:

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That will be fun! Looking forward to a visit from you😊

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@Dudeious.Maximus thanks for the merge. I don’t know how and didn’t want to bother anyone with a flag :upside_down_face:

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Now up to 21 members and growing fast.

Are you burnt out or fed up with members not using all their flags in the war and missing titans? If so then we are the perfect place for you.

We hit all titans and have never had any unused flags in the war.

No matter what level you are everyone is treated equally and are welcome.

So, come join a friendly, fun alliance and see how it should be.

Happy Gaming


Whoo hoo! We now have a full team. Let’s see how it goes, so far a great synergy… will keep y’all posted. :smile:

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Unfortunately we lost one after war … so we are open to another member, i should add that although chat is not mandatory, please if you could say hello when you join … promise at least one person will say hi back … :slight_smile:


They really are welcoming… ALL war flags used too. Bonus!


Well just an update: we had a few members leave us but on the positive side they started their own alliance :slightly_smiling_face: a bit more competitive but thats cool… we are comfortable with 12* titans… anyway we have room if anyone’s looking… whoo hoo!

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Just adding my voice to this being a great alliance.

I was in my previous alliance for 2 years and really liked the people, but eventually only half the team were hitting the titan and war flags were getting missed every war. I tried to stick it out, but eventually had to move on.

Dragon Cohort manages to keep the friendly, chilled vibe, but there hasn’t been a missed war flag and everyone hits the titan unless they say in advance that they will be away.

Come join us!


Everyone welcome and all treated fairly and equally and your opinions are listened to.

So, come on over and pay a visit, you’ll be glad that you did

Dragon Cohort TMA

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Wow! Most fun I’ve ever had in a war to date! It was edge of your seat, nail biting fun! We won by the seat of our pretty little pants folks… the tiniest of margins. What teamwork…just fantabulous … so just so it’s out there … IF you opt in for war…use ALL your flags…sometimes one point makes the difference. :slight_smile:

Still going well and having fun! We did actually lose a war recently but it was sooo close. I mean wow was it close…but there’s always next time… lol!

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Don’t forget to come an try us out in Dragon Cohort. We are committed but fun. There is also a LOT of chat, so if you want a place where strong players use all their war hits and everyone hits the titan (and if you like chatting that is a bonus), then come check us out!

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