Down the rabbit hole... has an opening

My current recruitment add:
We have one spot available. We are a drama-free group of helpful players and have a lot of fun playing the game, talking strategy and chatting about all kinds of stuff. We are fighting 9* titans, so looking for a strong new member. Sounds good? Then knock at the door with a message at Down the rabbit hole… :slight_smile:

We have a line group too (not obligatory, but useful if you want to join), my id is konijntje-pluis

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We have another opening, message above still applies :slight_smile:

We have multiple openings, because we started a second (training/resting) alliance.

Our current recruiting message:
We have spots available. We are a drama-free group of helpful players and have a lot of fun playing the game, talking strategy and chatting about all kinds of stuff. We are looking for strong new members. Sounds good? Then knock at the door with a message at Down the rabbit hole… :-).
For people that want to grow and learn we have spots in Down the bunny pit… ;-).

My line id is still konijntje-pluis :slight_smile: