Do you like being a beta tester?

Personally I find it good fun and exciting…
But maybe that’s because I have only been a tester for a few months :man_shrugging:
It’s nice to play with new heroes and new events being developed before they go live in the game.
It helps improve my knowledge about the game in general.
And it also gives me an opportunity to take stuff from the forum to Beta as an example the need for more roster space and the need to slow down with hero releases and power creep and if you are going to bring this type of hero out you need to buff this hero too.
I have to say that it’s a mixed bag with regards to the feedback Beta Testers give. Obviously we don’t always agree because we are all different.
In the example of Kalo some testers said the Gargoyles were too strong. Others were not as concerned. So just reading feedback it can be confusing for developers.
BUT it would be both wrong and unfair to the developers to say that they do not listen or ignore all the feedback we give. It’s not true - ie the monster 5* Gargoyle that was obviously OP was withdrawn from the portal. Let’s see what happens to him…
The two things I don’t like about Beta is that (a) currently everything feels rushed with regards to pushing out quantity over quality (b) we don’t always understand what the developers are going to do with feedback given in beta.
As a Beta tester all I will ask is that SG slow down with the volume of heroes being released and the number of Beta sessions being rolled out - it sometimes feels like I am playing two full time games