Do emblems tip the favor from Freya to Domitia

Thanks @BubblesUK. I should have specified that I was thinking about AW. You are spot-on to suggest that I think about synergies. The synergies I was thinking about are Domitia’s debuff which I find useful when using Seshat. Having a second purple hero with debuff seems enticing from an AW perspective.

I’ll go back and look harder at Freya to determine the heroes (or their abilities) with whom she shares synergies and whether they’re on my roster. Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: I looked at this thread again –

I may have answered my own question, inadvertently. There is some consensus that she pairs well with other heroes that spawn minions. I have a few of those, notably Telluria and Seshat, but also Buddy, Gobbler, Grimble, Rudolph and a few more. There is also a suggestion that she pairs well with heal over time heroes like C Rigard. Thanks again for the suggestion.