I just updated my predictions too. However, I definitely checked last night (on the 6th) and there was no change. I guess someone forgot to push that change before going on weekend and had to connect remotely over their Saturday to fix that
I wonder why the change though. It will overlap the last two days of the Ninja Tower and the first day of the Goblin Village instead of just the last day for the Ninja Tower and the two first days of the Goblin Village. Do they expect more spending for the Secret Summon during the Ninja Tower? Or maybe it just has to do with Sunday (and nothing with the simultaneous summon gates)? Leaves me wondering
I haven’t known that they started any polls… There was no information inside the game, no message.
Wilderness portal is live now. Some may spend more: two birds with 1 stone?
Didn’t mention that because either case, the Secret Summon entirely overlaps with the Wilderness Summon. And on that matter, I actually think it would bring more money to fit an extra bonus hero on the last x (here 2) days of another summon, in an attempt to make summoners pay again even though they already did some summons. So maybe they target more the Ninja summoners with that move?
No covenant portal this month?
Thnx for all the hard work on this! You guys rock!
wow, this caldendar is so beautyful!
I dislike challenge festival 2 overlapping with multiple good farming events (s5 and UT1)
I agree completely. I autofarm constantly during those, and now also need to use a lot of WE on the event.
Will cost me, but fun times at least
I feel like there will a covenant summon on Thursday
i guess will be new featured hero 17.12.
My guess too
Probably after wilderness summon because today’s daily gift was 15 covenant coins
Game update day, big prediction update! The update fixes all the warning remaining for this month except two: still placeholder featured/new heroes for UT2 at the end of the month and still no Covenant Summon planned this month. It still has a lot of warning for early January 2025 though but I still push my predictions until the 10th to include the new Shadow Quest.
Happy gaming!
Zynga is spacing out farming events, more and more. First AR, and now the others. Hope we get more free flasks.
Damn… That’s a lot of updates! Thanks my friend.
Any idea on covenant featured heroes?
- English calendar and reference sheet have been updated with the latest changes.
I also include PoV/PoG reward sheet in OP for upcoming changes for December 16th.
Path of Valor premium reward changes:
- Node 9: Battle item x20 > 4* Ascension Material x1
- Node18: Class Emblem x450 > x550
- Node26: Aether III x1 > x2
Path of Giants premium reward changes
- Node 9: 4* Ascension Material x1 > x2
- Node13: Alpha Aether x1 > 4* Ascension Material x1
- Node18: Class Emblem x540 > x600
- Node23: Aether III x2 > x3
PoV/PoG Premium reward change
I think here Senan C is also new.
Unless it is released here, where it is not stated:
Ps: Thx for the prediction update.
I am expecting to see the shadow heroes get a buff taking making them in line with current stats. With the family bonus thats a nice boost