Database of 5* LB heroes


buffed Rayne and Lewena


Thx @Remus_von_der_Venus will update it.


Just an idea. I think costume Krampus could use an update after his recent nerf, and i think normal Killhare and Lepus could use a slight update to add the costume bonus. The normal christmas versions of the hero also, as well as normal Rana and a couple of the Morlovia heroes. Just trying to help keep it up to date with the recent changes is all

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Ok, thanks for suggestion I will try to update them. For some of them it is very hard to find lb version but I will try.

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I did find a few normal krampus on the leaderboard. His defense can hit 1091

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@LadyKatryn can you give me you line ID please.

Hey, was thinking about your suggestions and I agree with Christmas heroes that got nerfed they need to be adjusted.

I Already collected them all, but I really don’t know what you mean for rest of them specially Morlovia and Sands heroes are posted under category costumes for heroes.

Also what do you mean about Easter heroes they are also under costumes.

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The normal versions, because the costume got released, now have stat increase because of the bonus. If you look at Rana under the Sands tab, her image is missing the costume bonus icon.

Hi. Its: ladykatryn


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But database is from November, 2021 and for example Sands should be included with all new stats.
I don’t see any changes in hero. I don’t look at base stats of certain LB hero as every players has his own way of making them.

I wrote in earlier posts that it would be good to open new topic for every LB hero if you would like to see very iteration of the hero.

Little upgrade on database

I added maxed emblemed and lb versions that where +19, +18 emblems of Mitsuko, Jean-Francoise, Passepartout, Reuben, Balbar, cJustice, cSnow White, cAthena and Mortega also cleaned doubles from all events.

Exchanged costumed versions of nerfed cMother North and cKrampus.

Also added as I saw missing and now obsolete Lewena and Rayne.

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If I missed something please tell me so I correct or add.

It’s my pleasure to say that database is now done, all heroes except this month HOTM are in. Only Mok-Arr is +18 emblems but when player finish him I will update it.

Thank you all for your help @Remus_von_der_Venus, @Radar1, @PlayForFun, @LadyKatryn and all other.


Update on database, April HOTM added.


good job!
fyi, tried to find quintus normal lb and with costume bonus stats. isn’t there

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@Bukefal due to the costume bonus change the Challenge festival heroes and costumes might need to be collected again… :confounded:

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i think so because i found an alliance memer of mine has a normal LoTL with no CB and it’s defense is higher than the one in the database with 948. Defense could be higher if they had the costume.

Also, i recommend getting an updated form of the challenge event heroes whose costumes will be coming out this weekend, as their stats will be increased further as well. And with Inari’s costume coming up soon, may need to update her normal when her costume comes out. I know it’s alot of work and have to keep up with it, but the community appreciates it. Keep up the great work.

@Bukefal: new cards to add


Hey Quintus is under S1 and costume is under costumes category.

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Thanks got them and will update asap.

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