Dante's Alliance Wars Primer (with Video from Beta)

My advice is to enjoy the content without giving too much weight to ascension’s items while slowly becoming strong.

If someone don’t enjoy the game anymore it could simply take a break.

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I understand how it can be described as a time zone consideration, but truth of the mechanics is the defending teams which will give the highest possible rewards are going to be the consistent target. Having the heroes respawn after they’ve been defeated is only going to give people the ability to coordinate their attacks in such a way to get maximum points… So many war defense teams will not even be attacked until alliance members finish building more than 30 heroes and can completely wipe through each other’s defenses - even with the respawn wait times taken into consideration.

Back to my earlier concern though, if I take my heroes into a fight and eliminate an entire enemy team - my heroes are then done for the duration of the war whether they managed to win at full health or by the skin of their teeth. Now the defeated enemy gets to come back to give repeat points to my alliance mates… This makes no sense from a logical approach.

I understand wanting to give players something to work towards, but a mechanic in the game to reward excellent raiding by allowing heroes with 75% of more health after a fight to be reused is at least a sensible approach right?

In a basketball game there’s no point in pulling the forward from the game because he made a threshold of 35 points in the first half. I’m just saying if we’re magically respawning defense teams to allow people to maximize point gain we should also reward attackers who just do a good job.

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The same team is only going to be able to get wiped out a few times before the timers make it long.

Wipe #1 wait 1 hour, wipe #2 wait 3 hours, wipe #3 wait 6 hours, wipe #4 wait 9?? hours (not sure since no one killed anyone this many times in beta). So at most one team will be able to get wiped maybe…5 times. The alliance will get 30x6 = 180 flags. Somehow using 5 out of 180 of them on a single opponent seems like it’s not going to be game-breaking. And if you have to use multiple flags on it, then it wasn’t really a weaker team anyway.

Also remember that if everyone uses their top attacking team in the first, all of their attacks are getting subsequently weaker since they will be using lesser heroes.

Plus if the team is weaker (i.e. 4 stars not 5 defenders) they won’t be worth as many points as alliance mate’s teams with 5 stars.

Defense teams don’t win points. Only attacking teams win points.

If the defenses didn’t respawn, then it becomes a race to wipe out the opposing team, which means time zones and start times really matter, which is really really bad.

And yes, the whole point is to coordinate your alliance to gain maximum points; it’s a competition. But with 180 flags for hitting, “picking” on a weak team only gets you so much (i.e. only use 5 flags) and weaker teams won’t be worth as many points anyway. The points you get for killing aren’t split up evenly 30 ways across the players; the power of your heroes matters.


I follow everything you’re saying, but picking on a weak team is where you misunderstood my point. I’m anticipating getting more points for higher rated teams - as we get more trophies for attacking folks that have more than we do it would be silly for them to change the approach. And 5 out of 180 certainly is not game breaking… Nor would be 5/120 which actually happens to be more in line with several alliances that can’t seem to find those last couple active players.

Point is that to maximize the chance of winning, an alliance will continue to attack teams that have died over and over again to get the most points, while heroes they attack with are benched no matter their performance. This is what you’re glossing over, so for the sake of elaboration allow me to refer to my raid team…

Currently I have (from left to right) boldtusk 3^60, boril 3^60, rigard 4^70, li xiu 4^70, Natalya 3^70. My raid strategy revolves delaying my demise through healing and mp attacks, while whittling down my opponents. At the 1900 trophy range I get wiped often because of boards giving me excess green, sometimes I win with one hero at less than 100 health. There are also times, and plenty of them, where I have 1 dead hero and the rest are at full health because of my approach.

What I’m saying isn’t that I want to be able to attack with dead heroes anymore than I believe it makes sense to attack heroes that teammates or myself have already beaten… I’m just saying if I wipe an enemies defense team and at the end rigard at boril have 90% of their health left why can’t those heroes be placed back on the list of attackers for subsequent war flags?

Essentially why is there a necromage for each defense setup, but no reward for good attackers? If someone wants to take a 5* lineup to hit 6 different 3* defense teams just so they don’t have to worry about leveling extra heroes they’re handicapping their own results, I can’t see it being any more game breaking than what you previously discussed.

Because with fixed defense teams, the points per hero killed are easy to figure out - just the % of total hp or power or whatever metric they are using when figuring it out of the alliance’s whole total.

If you introduce dynamic defenses, i.e. changing the total alliance hero defense mix mid-way through, you’d have to do a total point re-calculation every time a new defense team was brought in. That’s unnecessarily complicated.

Also, thematically, generally in swords and arrows kind of war, the attackers are coming to attack someone and the defender will have a better position, have better fortifications, etc. It’s easier for them to heal, gather resources, etc. It makes sense from that perspective that attackers tire themselves out and cannot fight as long as defenders. Look at the NFL - it’s defensive linemen that wear down in the 4th as they are constantly fighting to get to the QB as opposed to offensive linemen going back to pass-block. That’s why defensive linemen get rotated considerably more than offensive linemen.

Also, part of the design goal is that SGG WANTS YOU TO HAVE TO LEVEL MORE HEROES. If you could re-use most of a strong team again and again, that would defeat part of the purpose. :slight_smile:

EDIT: I’d like to not have this discussion here so we can keep this as a focus of what Alliance Wars IS, not what people would like to see it changed into. Please create another topic for that. thanks!


With fixed defense teams the points are easier to calculate… So members of an alliance should be asked to set up as many defense teams as possible (because sgg wants us to level up more heroes) that way when the first dies a second takes over and etcetera… Pre calculated rewards are accomplishable - they would just be diminishing exactly like attacking teams strength.

Then there’s no dead heroes fighting AND I still get to ask why my 2 fully healed attackers are being benched simply for attacking already. Take the NFL, the offensive line men have it easier and the defense has to be switched out… Wasn’t that your point?

Back to reality, in sword and arrows wars the defense has a more fortified position. So attackers have to fall back periodically and try a new approach. But the same people they never attack again, it’s always brand new people because Walter was killed, his 4 squad mates have to go home and wait for the next war.

There is no thematic defense for the current structure I’m sorry. And from a coding perspective it you really want participants to be forced to level more heroes - forcing them to set up 4 different defense teams, choosing the order, pre-calculating the point value and letting the computer take it from there makes more sense. There is no dynamic about it.

Plus this way if Walter does die, his team mates can get revenge. That’s just more satisfying is it not?

Edit - I just read your edit, and while I’m questioning the mechanics involved will respect your request. Happy hunting

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@Dante2377 Awesome write up, and excellent effort put into it. I, for one, thank you for your time. I’ve also recommended it as a must-read to my alliance members as well as others. Way to go! :+1::slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Thanks for this amazing post Dante; I have shared with my alliance. I have to questions that I believe are not covered in the post (apologies if they are):

1- My characters with “Perfect Riposte” – If they’re are attacked with those revenge arrows, will this actually translate to damage to the opposite team? I understand the characters will not be directly attacking me but I want to make sure I’m aware of this.

2- The rule of “One hero can only be used once” for attacks, applies only to heroes, right? Am I free to use my troops the same way as I do on any raid or otherwise?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.


Riposte doesn’t function against Revenge arrows as those are a seperate mechanic from heros.

Yes, you can reuse troops

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Reading, reading, reading, trying to absorb it all…how will I summarize this for my alliance? Lol

So, just to be sure I understand…once I attack with Sartana, she will be unavailable for the remainder of the war, even if she survives?

And is there any time limit, like titans, or sudden death damage adjustments, like >30 raid rounds?

That is correct - once you use a hero in attack, it is unavailable for the rest of the war.
And the time limit of the war is 24 h. No time limit for the attacks that I am aware of. I had one battle that went on for a while, but there were no damage adjustments.

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If I set, for example, Boril, as a defense, even though he isn’t fully leveled, will subsequent leveling be applied, or will he be set at the level he achieved when “locked in” ?

yes if you level him he will be leveled. A copy isn’t made, that specific hero is inserted. If that specific hero is leveled, then that’s what is used since it uses what the hero IS, not a copy of what WAS.


Thanks, Witch! The strategizing is already making my head hurt. I only have 17 useful heroes, and poor Quintus is sitting at level 1 while I build Rigard. Eeek!

Thanks, Dante! You put a lot of time into this, and I, for one, greatly appreciate it.


Dont summarize it for your alliance, just send them here to read it :slight_smile:

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If they have Line, they can post the link for this thread under Line Notes. That’s what we did. :wink:

In ur video u stated that everyone was given Ares and other heroes to basically even the playing field. How do we get them? I have not received Ares or any other hero as of yet. Thanks for the video!!

In beta, everyone was given heros that were buffed or nerfed for testing. Thus we had a fairly even playing field. They weren’t given for that purpose.
For wars everyone has whatever heros they have been able to obtain


That was only for beta. Basically in beta, for that round of beta, whatever heroes are new or have proposed changes, they give everyone those hereos so that we can test out the changes. In this round there were two new hereos (Delilah and Aeron) and a whole slew of heroes with changes (Albi, Ares, Guinivere, Leo, Morgan or lady locke, forgot which, maybe another or two). it was like 7-8 80s in addition to your copied over heroes.

No one got anything for their production account. It was only for that round of beta testing. No in beta gets anything at all for their production accounts.


Got it. Thanks so much for the quick responses guys!! Much luv.

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