Damage Calculation

Thx RedPython.

@EvilSmoothie & @AMD, I apologize because I answered without taking the time to study the case of titans. But finally I did it, and the weak point of the titans causes critical hits identical to the others (damage x2).

And thank you for spurring me! Because it highlighted new points:
:point_right: Titans have much more unbalanced stats than heroes (for example, Att~1020 and Def~420 for a 5* Demon Lord). Or, their damage is not calculated as for the heroes.
:point_right: Tiles can perform critical hits outside the weak spot.
:point_right: Powerful colors on the weak point make x4 damage.
:point_right: Critical hits on the weak point cancel out color weakness (for example, a green tile on the weak point of a red titan does x2 damage, not x2/2=x1 damage).

And here is a new job to do! I do not have enough data to check if this is also the case for all critical hits. Iā€™m going to run a red team on 8.7 to check this point.