Cupido's effect bug

If hero with Cupido’s effect apply mindless heal when every enemy have boosted health(above original max) mindless heal heal 20% of EVERY ENEMY(sadly I don’t have a screenshot) . I don’t think it’s intended.
@PlayForFun @Elioty33 or anyone, is it?

That is intended, as when every hero has max HP, they all get a heal (as they all [collectively] have both the lowest, and highest, HP on their team).

…But Cupido’s SS doesn’t offer overheal, so while it’s logged as all heroes get the heal (for the very reason stated above), ironically, none of them do.


Where we can read it?
I searched anywhere with no result.

If all heroes in the opposing team are above 100% then they are at the same state compared to their max health.
So all of them can get an (useless) healing.

It is like the Starfall family heroes ’ enemy with highest attack/defense/mana speed like effect, which can affect multiple enemies if more than 1 is at the same level.

So probably it is intended.


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