Costumed Rigard (Toon Costume) - 4* Dark / Purple from Season 1

Agreed on your points. I use Toon Rigard regularly against ~6500 teams without any problems. Of course he can’t survive against meta heroes in the 7000+ range, only other meta heroes can. 7k+ is when you bring your Toon Vivica and Fungustine.

As for Toon Kiril, his special skill isn’t as good, but he has Superior Jinx, which makes him great. He can’t dispel a Toon Cyprian with tiles, but he can dispel any non-toon with 3 blue tile hits almost every time.

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Well for those of us mere mortals that don’t have the large insane rosters, toon 4* are a lifeline so yes. I stand by my request for a toon Rigard stat boost. Def. & hp defo. Doesn’t make sense to have such hp & def on a healer & such high attack stats. U said it, to be competitive he needs master emblems, limit breaking with aether & alphas. Rare mats that u need to save for the leggo u might get so no, if u need a cleansing healer to compete in general & u have no 5* then a 4* toon healer is your next bet but not with these stats.

U have your opinion & I have mine. Agree to disagree. Different rosters & different needs obviously. I have 1 leggo healer that cleanses so a decent 4* healer like Toon Rigard wud help me immensely as I don’t have the OP hero that’s an all in 1 dmg dealer, healer, cleanser, dispeller, etc. etc. I have to take 3 average dmg dealers & 2 healers to survive the current meta so yeah, throw us a bone ‘eh.

Finally, where are these OP 4* defensive heroes that easily compete in today’s meta cuz I have some 5s that can’t even compete in todays meta & i’m not talking about limit break , alpha breaking, master embleming, etc.
A 4 star hero that competes in today’s 5
meta?? Can’t say I’ve seen many OP 4* defence heroes anywhere apart from 4* tourneys & if they were so OP as u r eluding to I’m sure there should be many examples. Anyway, I want 1 so please enlighten me as to which u are referring to. I don’t have ascension mats to throw around willy nilly as I need to save them for that special 5* I may never pull so at most, emblemed & limit broken with normal aethers.

The 4* toon healers are better than most 5* heroes tbh, but obviously you have to limit break them to take them above a certain level. Like I said, I run Toon Kiril in my main attack team because I dont have any meta 5* healers, here’s some recent wins against 7000+ teams in high diamond. Yeah you need to run good 5* attacking heroes alongside the 4* defensive ones but thats kind of my point – the 4* attacking heroes are basically all useless in 5* world while the defensive ones are usable. If any 4* cards need a buff its the attackers like Grimm, Scarlett, Kelile, Gormek, etc.

Of course Kiril/Rigard/etc arent as good as the top meta 5* healers like Hathor/Fungustine/Astrid/etc but they dont need to be

Too high for me. All double limit broken with master emblems. I see teams like this & think what’s the point !!! Hence players like me need all the help they Dan get & having a decent 4* toon healer with the ‘proper’ balanced stats wud help sooo much I just five agree with such high attack stats for both toon melendor & Rigard. I rely on them so much it ain’t funny !! Make up of near enough every 1 of my war teams are x3 on colour hittters, a dispeller/healer & a cleanser/healer. Obviously if I had the all in one do everything & laugh later hero then I wouldn’t need 2 healers but I don’t have those newer OP heroes hence the reliance on Mele & Rigard.

That was my point pal. Shame really cuz with the insane specials & stats & also the frequency of the release of heroes is just insane I can see myself getting less & less interested as I fall behind farther & farther & get more frustrated at not being able to mount a comeback after a poor starting board (like the devs supposedly wanted the games direction to go). Don’t get me started in the dragon part of the game. Pathetic !! What a waste of phone storage space. Put it out of ours misery. To me it’s sooooo boring & unnecessary. They want us to have double the heroes to level but they’re even harder to ascend. No thx.