Costumed Rigard (Secondary Costume) - 4* Dark / Purple from Season 1

Looking forward to 2LB-ing him.


I did not regret it at all :slight_smile:


Looking great :+1:, 20 characters.

I had Rigard full ascension 70 level and full ability capasity what ever. Now i had it only shaded when i level up some heroes, and i cant find it anywhere to put it game, seems to be gone, but still there is that and says " this heroe has ability " At the museum is only one tag on that rigard what i ever got, but i cant use it. So , i got new rigard, without helmet, do i have to grow up that again? Or where it ever could be and where is all levels ability and all that what i gathered with my spine and blood so long in that dude?

Costumes have to leveled separately

Click on the arrow to switch between the original hero and costumes.

You can then level up the costume. You donā€™t actually need to click on Equip to level up. Costumes require fewer xp to level up, and you can also use any duplicate costume as feeder

Awesome!! Solid hero for sure! Thanks for sharing the screenshot.

Do you mind sharing the taken emblem path?

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Here you go. He is amazing hero I use him in war attack team.

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Poor Boldtuskā€¦ he got the worst 2nd Costume so farā€¦ even Kelileā€™s 2nd Costume is better lol


Which costume of Rigard do you guys thibk is better? Im leaning towards using the defensive one

This is my favorite version. Love the defense up, cleans and boosted health


C2 for raids, events & C1 for titans Iā€™m using him as anyway. OG Rigard against Alfrike to reflect that MA & any other MA attacker. That superior manashield is no joke !!

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Now this is the man for me! Tons of people were all gaga over C1, but eh, that never did it for me. But this guyā€™s overheal and defense boost - without losing the precious CLEANSE - is what Iā€™m all about. Though Iā€™ve been slow to LB my heroes, I didnā€™t hesitate to LB him. Gonna do the 2nd break soon.

I do still use C1 for Titans for the attack boost. But otherwise, I use C2 and emblemed him defensively, which aligns well for original Rigard too. This is an A+ hero!


I re-emblemed my for shield path, so hereā€™s what he looks like. I reset my raid defense to the standard and put him at tank to try him out there. Iā€™ll let you all know how he does!


Just got his secondary costume, so I guess Iā€™ll finally level him up. Going to replace my lb1 c Sabina.

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I have this costume but not maxedā€¦ How are you finding her to be to use?:thinking:

Heā€™s great. Boost is better than normal heal since it can go over max HP, and better than rejuvenation since it canā€™t be dispelled. And cleansing is always useful.

On my main I donā€™t use him as much, but on my alt account, I raid with him (level 80) all the time as the main/only healer. Iā€™ve also tried tanking him in War with quite ok results so far.


Boosted health can exceed max hp.

Hi, I leveled him up to 80 but the power is 935. Do I have the 1st costume also level up to 80 to get the 1006 power?

heā€™;s still my go-to Rigard in PvP. though, depending on the enemy, I got for base Rigard - especially if the enemy punishes buffs (El Naddaha, I hate you)

and c1-Rigard is my go-to for Titans