☀ Costumed Ma'at – Season 5 Costume – 5* Nature / Green : Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

That is one of the “wonders” of the damage formula. Low % damages are significantly reduced, while high % damages get more of their theoretical damage through.
So doing 3 time 70% damage could be say 3 times 100 damage while 210% damage would be 400 damage. It makes no real sense, but that is how the damage formula works, even though nobody knows that exact formula lol.

However in this case, the regular damage hits without the DD, while the passive will hit on the DD, which might make up for the difference, in those 12.5% of cases when the passive actually hits 3 times :slight_smile: Usually of course it will hit once or twice, so the damage won´t be than crazy. I see the main value for that triple activation still in the fact that you get a 87.5% chance to apply the attack down.

I can’t remember exactly what it was but I recall reading something that said it’s because each individual hit gets a reduction from the opponent’s defense stat, so a large single attack would only get one reduction vs say 3.

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Really pleased to get her + costume, but I’m also working on Fizzcoil. Now I’m not sure which one gets the rogue emblems!

Long term I think they’ll work well together.

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Anyone have any screenshots of her damage? She looks nice on paper but she used to hit like a wet noodle. I’m hoping she now hits hard!

I just got my 2nd fizzcoil to 3/70 (both at 3/70) as i am awaiting scopes.

I JUST pulled c maat 15 minutes ago and realized that i will have an emblem problem despite having all of the mats needed to get her to 90.

I dont know that she is worth it

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Not true, because scaling is exponential IIRC due to how defense works. So 3 x 70% < 210%. Still, not bad. But last bullet of her skill becomes outright useless because of her passive working so often.

Yeah, I was with it like you, wanting Hathor or Anubis and got Ma’at. So I took her for a test run and was in awe when her passive procced twice so had 3 numbers on each enemy. It’s pretty crazy. Also thank you for reminding me I still use Guan Yu for titans so she would be a straight upgrade, even though I am sick of ascending greens (Ferrus, Myoin-ni, C3-Elkanen, C3-Zeline) yet still somehow having Tonics and also got Siegfried during last Opera. She seems fun.

Edit: Also remembered that I took 5* Green Troop for Ferrus. Guess for who that troop is also suitable.

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Before her costume I though she was lacking a little bit of damage especially with new heroes with so much HP, now with costume and new passives she’s back in the game very happy with her


Tbh looking at those numbers this looks pretty promising. Her passive triggering 2 times (like in the picture) means she’s doing 2/3 more damage. That’s pretty good.

Nice that both costumes can share the same Legendary Rogue/Paladin troop

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Just remember that those numbers have been adjusted by pepperflame’s attack modifier. It would be nice to see a clean hit with no buffs etc…

Total side bar, but geez, Obakan is like Michael frickin Myers with the resurrections.