ℹ Costumed Lady of the Lake – 5* Nature/Green from Knights of Avalon

Finally got my Lady. Pulled for her last time and got nothing.

Now ive gone FTP and got her with a random coin pull. RNG going to RNG.


wow congrats @owzat!

i’ve been wanting her ever since forever, but luck hasn’t been on my side. coin + saved up gem pulls yield me nothing…

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@Kenzo’s alt has two C-LotL and C-Yunan. Is it just me or would you max a second LotL instead of first C-Yunan?

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Belated congrats on your C-LotL @Owzat! :partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:

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@SamMe I think C-Yunan because I like the variety, but then again even C-LoTL is 4th in line for green ascensions so it will be a long journey of collecting tonics :joy:

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same view

and yunan costume became a little better after the buff

his only problem is that he isn’t very useful outside rush formats and usually in rush, lady of the lake and revivers fill the green spot

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I thought costumes were supposed to be better than the original.

Boosted health is nowhere near as important as taking mana away. As she’s a slow hero, she will likely only be used during rush, and that’s where the mana reduction is MUCH stronger.

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I pulled this pretty lady today in 27 pulls! Her costume bonus will help my regular LOTL that I use a lot in wars! Good luck everyone with your pulls! :wink:


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I don’t understand why they wouldn’t simply change her costume to overheal and keep the minions the same way.

Changing the minions from mana cut to mana gain reduction is stupid. That was her unique strength. Nobody will use her costume over the regular version which means the costume is useless. It’s only good to provide a costume bonus to the original.

SG, how about a buff to the costume to change the minions to the same behavior as the original?


One of the examples of how a costume is significantly worse than the original and it’s only used to give original CB


at least the costume should summon minions to all allies to have a more reasonable improvement.

in my opinion it is the worst costume in that event.


Got one in the soul exchange and now I got the costume, bad luck in luck. Hate the minions and they could do the whole team of minions or bumo the mana down to 34%. Or leave the mimions for all allies cutting mana but with less attack and HP.

I’ll use for CB but that’s it.

I just landed LoL with her costume. Is she still relevant? Was she ever usable on offence? I got Myoin-ni and LoL won’t replace her as green healer at any rate.

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I use her regularly. She is definitely relevant, especially with a mana increase support hero like Ludwig.


Took a while to “fully” upgrade. I have to say that with the new costume bonus she is very usable again. Some guys thought the Goblin event was challenging, with LoL in tow you can autoplay all the stages. In raids it’s a bit more challenging, but if all goes well the opponents can’t do much.


“fully” as in I haven’t double LB’d her, that is.

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After costume bonus buff 08/04/2024
Emblem path is def>hp for non-costumed version

Both versions are here because I couldn’t find her original topic :laughing: