Costumed Grimm (Secondary Costume) - 4* Ice / Blue from Season 1

That character doesn’t exist. And it’s interesting because no matter power creep with a minion maker or a team of minion makers he’s going to continue to murder. The only thing that people may have to do as creep increases is consider a more balanced emblem path to keep him alive but he’s still decently beefy two years later.

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I posted a question about this on Reddit but I thought I would reiterate it here. What about boosting only special skills would make this second costume more desirable than boosting everything on the first costume? Because from my understanding the First costume boosts special skills as well as base attack doesn’t it? It doesn’t say in the card that it’s limited to normal attack.

From what I can see right now unless you wanted to run both of them in tandem the original costume seems like the better of the two.

First costume is +50% attack which is nice and good for regular titans if that is all you have for an attack booster (gives a bump to tile damage as you clearly understand).

Second Costume Grimm and Glenda add 40% damage to any special skill damage. That doesn’t SEEM like much and it isn’t for most heroes.

The niche is Pengi (and perhaps 9HB and the new dark elemental that hasn’t been released yet).

Pengi can fire once per minion on the attacking team so up to 15 hits BUT the damage decreases on each subsequent hit. Adding 40% means that the last hits continue to do meaningful damage. This is huge on Mythic Titans where people fling mana pots and recharge for multiple firings in a row.

The thread that will give you the most information about the mechanics of how the special works is the Glenda Thread.

The Pengi thread has more information about Mythic Titans, Glenda and Mr Pengi and here is the Pengi/Mythic Titan Bug Thread that really goes into it.

Remember this is niche, and C2 Grimm is the economical way to get Glenda’s super power for Mythic Titans.


thanks for this, it’s quite illuminating.

now if only I could also get Pengi… :stuck_out_tongue:

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And attack up that the 1st costume gives is not as rare a skill as SS attack up. Regular Kiril gives that, so you can have both Attack up and SS attack up at the same time. I usually use Krampus/Chameleon + c2Grimm for titans, events, and towers.

I guess it all comes down to stacking. But again I just go back to the fact that the first skill gives you a 50% boost. So I don’t use Kiril base with him. The more I think about it it feels like it would be beneficial to level a second grim and use both costumes. Now I just need Miki. Currently using Finley’s costume as that defense down is ridiculous. I don’t have an ice elemental down hero. Considering Frida as I didn’t get Perseus costume in this last event.

I know you only have a limited number of slots but I’m starting to wonder if adding Mist since I don’t have a ice elemental defense down hero. Might be cool. Because she has that reduced defense against specials.

For titans or raids?
For raids she can make sense, for titans you really want to max the tile damage UNLESS you are contemplating a Grimm C2 / Pengi / Mist combo which could prove interesting and worth asking about over on the threads that focus on the Pengi/Mythic Titan damage so that you can gain insights from mathematically proficient people (well, people with a better insight into how that would score).

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