🐼 Costumed Diaochan – 5* Dark / Purple from War of the Three Kingdoms

True, thanks to the healing block but that’s not the main reason many people took Xiaotu. The main draw for many was the blocking of minion abilities. If this mechanic had been in the game for standard minions at the last soul exchange I think some of those people would’ve chosen differently.

Just one gamer’s opinion

Game Well :sunglasses: :mechanical_arm:


Ruining the game, as long as the whales pay, they will not stop

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Dont worry she will be broken for awhile… SG wants to entice people to pull. When they make enough money and then… jeng jeng jeng! Nerrrŕŕrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrffffffffffffff!!! Thats SG SOP…


In few hours, all whales will have this costume in their defence team, they already have base hero.

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And war defenses with this monster?

Ok i am silly, i forget that they release this way to sell a lot of gems and coins, and they will nerf after 2 months. (sorry, no nerf just “adjust”)

It seems to me that the developer who desinged this hero is indentical with the one who adjusted the sanctuary event… :smiley: (all time drunk fellow)


Seen in the wild, already. This is not power creep, it’s power leap.


Have to pull her to get the costume so…

my only problem is that we still have this yet to be buffed

they should have the same costume bonus as the 3 kingdom if not more


They won’t be buffed. I promise you that SG will release 2nd costumes for them.


they will
but buffing the current costume bonus is a must. it is way too long and ignored for too long

all other seasons and events costume bonuses got updated


After they release 2nd costumes the bonus will be adjusted for sure and will apply only for two costumes. With one you’ll have exactly the same bonus as now is.

Anyway back to Wo3K costumes madness. I’m not even surprised nor should be you, guys. Just join us, block payments and feel freedom without temptation. You’ll feel way less bad about yourselves when they kill this game and you’ll realize that you’ve spent real money and gained nothing valuable. Or nothing at all since we don’t own heroes we’ve pulled.


You might want to Search for “Owl” in player guides to find the uncountable more 5* Owls: Ommodus, Mariol,Eron, Livia, Verus, Fulvia etc.

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I know what I wrote.

that’s me, but Ithink there will be plenty of waterpipes and other non-3k minioners to keep her busy. Its really just one more thing to remember.


Crazy, we all get used to power creep speed up, this is just way too much for one costume even for today standards.

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I predicted I’d get a 3* Chinese guy with my coins from Monster Island. I was wrong. One pull, one costumed Diaochan. Marie-Thérèse just got booted back to the waiting list.

That costume bonus has to be a mistake, though. Surely.


Dont forget the 40% troop bonus for health… soooooo its 4200. Much like the 2lb Cleopatra costume.

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Minions cannot exceed 1000hp unless they are mega minions.


This costume bonus must be a mistake right? Last Hero dropped didnt even pass 1400 maxed. And now this one droppes at 1459…

I get the slow power creep, but this is just silly…


Her minions are as thicc as she is. Big jump from 16% to 33%.

And her being a Xiaotu counter/blocker thing…it’s not too bad. If her minions were the mana sucking type, then yeah that would be bad. The buff steal is a bummer but not too big of a thing.

Diaochan’s costume is quite formidable like how the original was 2 years ago. And it might give me reason to finish her. I just need more tabbards and blades and books.

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