Idk, I use all 3 actually - I use normal with an attack booster like Oceanus so the attack is capped for titans and red stack, I use the Chef costume for more healing when the attack isn’t needed as red healers are rare, and then I use his newest costume with the horrendous heal instead of Oceanus, mainly for wars if needed when Oceanus is spent.
I had LB his main card and emblemed Def / hp.
Then got both costumes (2x costume bonus adds pretty good stats to any hero) and now i only use his 2nd costume for attack up, the boosted hp is a bonus since i run a main healer in addition to boldtusk. I usually pair with something like this
Also on my red titan team as the attack up which stacks with Sharks normal attack up (with DD, EDD & high attack stat/fast hero) does pretty good but as always depends on the boards.
I only have G. Falcon to pair with him from your lineup I have to admit I’m a bit jealous! I’ve been running those 2 with Cookie, Zagarog, and Junaid. I have a lot of reds … but not a lot of great ones im working on Buster to add to the line-up. Until then, should I add an off-color healer, like Gullinbursti? Or should I be looking for something else in a hero?
You could use buster.
Definitely level and at least lb 1 a buster
Thank you! I will do that which one should I trade out for him?
I assume you are considering titan hits,I will say Cookie, most likely; but you need high tile damage, something only Cookie (since she has the highest base attack stat) provides in your set up. However, if you do combine Cookie and Buster, too many minions would slow down your hits!
Do you see a better setup in my newly uploaded screenshots? I appreciate your feedback!
I would try Boldtursk, G.Falcon, Buster, zagrog and Junaid
Or Boldie, GF, Buster, Gormek ( and either Zagrog or Junaid)
I assumed your Junaid is emblemed to favor attack…
A would level him in a heartbeat together with wilbur in events he will he a massa killer! And in 4* events to.
Use with wilbur and one turn off poisson dammage off stars dammage and alm your hero have instantly 144% attack increase!
Does Boldtusk & C Boldtusk increase the special attack also?
Yes Boltusk second costume 144% attack also impacks the special attacks