🎅 Cookie -- 5* Fire / Red from Santa's Challenge (Winter)

Yikes, tbf though, that could be a bit of fun with a blue tank and one on either side, especially if it were Ariel’s costume as the tank to give them mana, then they take away 40% of the enemy team’s mana…

But yeah, these “gifts” should have been classed as fiends.

Lmao w/e man flag w/e you don’t agree with. Can’t face the fact that this hero is crap and the Dev fail in its design. I am not even the only one saying this hero is bad. Continue put a blindfold on if you want🤣

You’re clearly salty, very salty in fact - so salty you had to make such a salty post about how not-salty you are.

I can clearly analyse better than you, I don’t even have the hero so I’m not sure how I can be biased, I was simply trying to comfort those who pulled him because he’s not as bad as you or others make him out to be, he’s not great, obviously - certainly not terrible.

Once again you seem to have an early onset of dementia as you keep saying “6 turns, 6 turns”, his gifts take 3 turns to explode and deliver mana stop immediately, not 6.

You’re the only one who seems to be crying behind your overused, obnoxious laughing emojis.

Didn’t even read the paragraph that follows as it’s not even English, just a bunch of humble jumbled garbage that makes no sense with a surplus of childish emojis.

And I’m facing plenty OP teams, levels above this hero, that’s not the point.


Ya kid, I am so salty that I got this hero. How I wish you were right and this was a great hero, that way I would’ve had something great lolol see how your logic didn’t work out? Good night kid, don’t bother me anymore have a great day.:night_with_stars: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

It is so weird ppl are so blinded by hate they can’t see logic. Fact that the roster of someone (what he has or doesnt have) can change the rating of another hero is really beyond my tiny brain :rofl::rofl::rofl: I lose you win, happy? I don’t really care man lol :rofl::rofl::rofl:

PS. I hope you get him and prove how great he is, can’t wait till top 100 alliance all use him in defense :rofl::rofl::rofl: ppl will never wake up :rofl::rofl::rofl:

For someone crying about ppl being salty. Does he even know what 450dmg even equate to. That is taking 6 turns to deal fixed 450dmg that doesn’t even scale with attk stats like DoT. Assume 3 match per turn, 6 turns is like 18tiles hero special, do some research and let’s see how slow the special is :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: oh god I am so salty I am actually analyzing it with math :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: damn that’s painful :cry::cry:

Oh ya and if it wasn’t answered before or I missed it. The potion is a status effect, is not like a fiend where you can have more than 1 at a time. So if you already put 1 on your opponent, firing off another before it takes effect doesn’t give them a 2nd one. Meaning you can’t trigger chain explosion dmg one turn after another. So if you have full mana before first potion cooked (take effect) (if it wasn’t cleanse by then that is :rofl:) , you have to sit with full mana, wait the full 3 turn before you can fire off your special again :rofl::rofl: Isn’t that lovely? :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

I am such a salty sob that I actually went and tested it myself :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Afraid I was missing I tested it a few times and recorded it(what a salty sob I am, doing research) :rofl::rofl: And maybe it was unfair, but I picked a team with Milena and Vanda, took forever to even trigger the potion once cause between cleanse from Milena and status immunity from Vanda, the potion never cooked :sob::sob: the effect is as useful as I thought it was, but hey maybe someone else will have a better luck, preferably someone less salty than me, make sure you drink some coke or eat some chocolate before you test him :rofl::rofl: Damn that was painful :cry::cry:

It is always the question on which level you play. 90 % would be happy to have and to play with him. The other 10 % - maybe playing in the Top 100 - would not use him. Unless there is another good red heroe synergizing with him causing immediately this Mana gain stop + the damage…


Idk man, I am far from Top100, but I still can’t see a real use for him apart from “niche fun”. But I guess I am still being salty. All the testing got me sweaty :rofl:

That Average speed compounded by delay 3 turns is the worst Development idea, is almost as if the Dev don’t know how fast pace the game got.

If he was VF and lower his dmg and lessen the time it takes to trigger the potion or if the potion explode to nearby if the carrier dies, it would’ve at least made him viable somewhat.

This is just Carol that failed and the Dev double down on it with a Legendary version :rofl::rofl: They aren’t content to fail once, they want to fail again lol


I thought it was obvious, but… Amazing hero in VF. Also, the best LM2 buff

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Spur on by salt I thought, would this hero even be useful in PvE. Would you want a hero that special is to dmg after 3 turns when in PvE you would want to kill the target quickly. And btw, what PvE minions can you even kill up to with just 450dmg. I remember some stages even in S1/2 I can’t kill minions with less than 600dmg.

Goddamn the more I think about it the more awesome (not) this hero is. Not good in PvP, you can’t even farm with it in PvE :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: goddamn I am salty, I got an engine run by burning salt :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You kids need to use more smilies and emojis.


If the kid know the saying, if you don’t laugh you will cry, yes, :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I still found use w carol when I used elemental defense down carol and a sniper to set off the gift bomb by killing the target. Cookie needs to add that dynamic to be useful (remotely).


You are absolutely right, if he was better, I wouldn’t be called salty now would I? Lol here, I use Lol instead of smilies emoji lolol

Being serious since you are constructive, yes, a explode to nearby when carrier dies would’ve made it slightly better, not by a lot but you could still try to use it. I did mention that in earlier post, probably buried by my salt and :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:, but yes you are right.

lol sorry. I didn’t know how to do just a general reply. I wasn’t specifically replying to your previous comment. It just happened to be the last comment and I saw the reply arrow ahhaha


Yeah some clever folk will find synergy with this hero cutting mana is always handy.

Dont actually think they that bad has a good lb2 n class if I get ill max one

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Cookie special skill is no different to those heroes that have exploding fiends after 3 turns.

Yes there are differences.

Fiend bombs:

  • Fiend bombs you can put more than 1, if you have mana for it, at the end of duration it can create chain explosion 1 turn after another. Or within the same turn if you use mana potion in PvE, all 3 fiends bomb can explode in the same turn.
  • Fiends bomb generally also explode to nearby either after duration or carrier killed before duration. Apologies if there are ones that doesn’t, but off the top of my head, Khperi, Rocket dog, also the S5 4*, their Fiend bomb all explode to nearby.
  • Fiends bombs is arguably harder to remove, cleanse does not remove it, only enough healing, there are not that many fiends removal available.
  • Fiends bombs are not blocked by status blocker.
  • Fiends bombs also do minimal dmg per turn until they explode
  • Fiends bomb acting as fiends, interact with other hero with fiends passive, ie if you have Pet hero, shooting out fiends cause Pet hero passive to trigger dealing dmg.

And now for Potion:

  • Potion is a status effect. You cannot put more than 1 potion at a time (fail), hence you cannot create chain explosion one turn after another like Fiends bomb can.
  • Potion does not explode to nearby after duration or when carrier dies before duration.
  • Potion is easily cleansed with the abundance of cleanse hero compare to limited Fiends removal heros.
  • Not only initial potion effect can be blocked by status blockers, the after effect of mana stop can be blocked by status blocker (or cleanse) if you didn’t have it ready before it landed, so you can still be saved from after effect.
  • Potion is a static status effect, it does not carry a DoT with it, hence they do no dmg, sitting there until explode (unlike Fiend bombs)
  • Potion, as far as I know there are no known passive that interact with a Potion status effect (unlike Fiend bombs mention above)

Those are some of the differences I can think of with my limited knowledge. imo based on my limited knowledge, Potion is inferior to a Fiend bomb. If Potion was a good idea, Carol would’ve been a success, in fact even Carol gifts not only explode if carrier dies, it also explodes to nearby, somehow a 5* version of that in Cookies, his potion does neither of those.

:point_up_2:The above post was made with limited salt, safe for consumption if you dare.


Shouldn’t have eaten a Xmas cookie while summoning from Xmas portal. Landed myself a Cookie.

For an average hero, I can only see myself using him in events, depending on the colour restrictions. Maybe in PvP against defences with cleaner and no ailment blocker. That’s niche utility.

20% mana cut is decent but that’s about it. Apart from superior stats, Mitsuko does the same and does some damage plus blue reflect.

Potion damage is worse than that from Scoratek fiends, a fast 4*, in terms of quantum (450 to 1 and 600 to 1+2). Having to wait 3 turns for this to happen too.

Damage would be better if damage occurs when potion is cleansed or removed by SS or passive. Followed on by mana block.

But then Cookie would then be a mite too useful for a relatively “free” seasonal hero. So yeah… Zynga had to release a dud 5*.

Note to Self: not to eat cookies if I should try again. Should munch on candied ginger or have ginger tea. :joy::rofl:


You are too funny mate, how ironic :laughing:

Someone in my alliance has finished off Cookie and is testing him as tank in the upcoming war, will be interesting to see how he performs (or fails) :thinking:


Update here please. My hero levelling is very slow cos I don’t push hard.

I will probably end up levelling him out of desperation soon enough. :joy::rofl:

Gave up on opera. Constant stream of 3*. It was like hearing a boring off tune refrain over and over again. :roll_eyes: