Cleopatra vs. Queen Guowang

I might be told to sit down and shut up given the nature of this question, but I’m going to persist!!! I recently received the 5th 5f Yellow Aether that I need to LB my next 5 Holy Hero. I am torn between Cleopatra and Queen Guowang. I understand from the get go that one is a healer and one is a damage dealer (among other things), and this should make my answer easy…which one do I need more. The issue is I have plenty of each class. I know this is not that impressive, but I have 500+ heroes. A large part of these are 5*. Something that might qualify answers is that right now I am LB1 Blossom. I also have Prof Liidenbrock, Dabria LB1, Lysanor, LB2, C. Aino, 3-70, C. Lady of the Lake,LB1, kC. Heimdall, LB!, Mother North, 20 Emblems, Ignazio, LB1, Ignazio, 20 Emlems. I just would like to know the general consensus of which one is better at their “job” and more worth the investment of my 5* Aethers. I truly appreciate anyone who tries to give me an objective answer, and if you want to give me crap, that’s OK too!!! This is one of the few times that I’ve faced a dilemma like this where I really didn’t know what to do. I also think that their stats are relatively close.
Thank you!!!

Hi, I recommend Cleopatra because although Guowang is an excellent hero, she has become a victim of the constant increase in statistics and her damage is no longer so impressive. Cleopatra is A star that will never set due to the powerful amount of healing.

Cleopatra is extraordinary in her job.
QG is still great, but:

  • over time, you have to see which skill loses less of its power. As i see, there will be always new monster hitters, but monster healers rarely see the light of day

So at this moment i would choose Cleopatra.

if we assume that otherwise you have everything for ascending, embleming, etc and you can create a good synergy in your roster. :slight_smile: Which is likely :wink:

Who should I ascend?

  • Cleopatra
  • Queen G
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Made a poll for you :laughing:

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Only trouble Ive ever had with Queen G is spelling/pronouncing her name. Otherwise, she crumbles like puff pastry.

Cleo is a boss. I pair her with El Nads and watch enemies immolate themselves.

Thank you, Sir! I’ve been playing the game almost since it’s inception, and there’s still so much I don’t know how to do, including things on here!!!

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With such a full roster, it really doesn’t matter anymore. Choose alphebetically. Choose based on the art. You’re not going to notice the difference in your play.

Mikal strikes again :yum:


Yea, I’d go with Cleo just because of what she does but Queen G wouldn’t be a bad choice either. In any case, don’t listen tot Mikal as he often says silly things.

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I have both maxed and 2LB. I use Queen G more only because she pairs perfectly with C Gazelle. That said, I think Cleo’s skill is timeless in this ever quickening game of strong heroes. I’d go Cleo.


17-1 is pretty conclusive (even if Ruskin is the 1).

Pull that trigger on Cleo :yum:


I’d vote Cleopatra. The only gripe I have is that she is not an overhealer, but whatever. She is an outstanding healer. If she was an overhealer and cleansed ailments, she’d be the one of the best healers in the game. I’m just wondering if the game will unveil a much better Holy healer later this year. Because I felt the Professor was one of the best, and now she’s just aight. It’s the HoT that kills her for me.

Queen…she’s on my mono attack team, but she’s like a mosquito. She’ll soon be replaced by Lemonwood.


One thing I didn’t know that one of my teammates pointed out is that Cleo does actually overheal. It’s just part of her passive. 60% to boost health by 10%. From what I’ve observed, it fires often.