Classes and the defense meta

Richard tanks with Gravemaker and Zeline/Victor flanks give me fits.

if no queen of hearts, is red riding hood e nxt best thing?

Yes, go summon her to be #1 :wink:

Thatā€™s what they wanna make us thinkā€¦

Thank you @Garanwyn

I donā€™t yet have the blue heroes to chew through Santa although help is on the way (Alice, Frida and Athena) for Lazy King Richard. I ALWAYS bring Proteus and started giving him emblems so that he can survive a few hits.
This is where a well flanked Santa crushes me, Alasie and Magni are fast and can one shot Proteus, once that happens I need a very, very good board to win.

@LucasDaoc, Richard was tricky until Evelyn came along and changed everything (which is makes Borilā€™s success at tank for me a bit odd: Zim / Eve / Boril / Del / Sartana - keeps me hanging around 2500 cups area when I wake up).

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BTW, youā€™ll find that Frida + Richard is a very effective pairing. Both average mana, so they mostly come ready together. Fire Frida, then Richard.


The family bonus with Triton is pretty nice as an add-on for defense. With a crit troop, it a totally makes Proteus sturdy-ish :slightly_smiling_face:

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Triton is waiting patiently behind Frida, Athena and Alice. Heā€™ll get the nod before the second of them go to final ascension. This will take a while since I feed like for like color, I tried to get myself to power level all feeders into one hero but felt so awful about it I stopped almost immediately. Maybe one day when I am endgame and just donā€™t careā€¦

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Thing is whatā€™s better between having the fantastic flank combo zeline + GM or having the best tank in the game ?
Zeline / Richard or Del / GM seems pretty solid.
Would a X / Guin / GM defense be superior ?

Tough callā€¦

The other day I changed up from Delilah tank team, to GM / Richard / Delilah in the center. For whatever reason, Iā€™m not getting raided much any more. And when I do attacked, these guys are holding above 2600 trophies. Saw this same sort of thing when running Aegir at tank a couple months ago. Itā€™s as if no one wants to bother with these blue tanks, and I hate running out of revenges all the time.

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I love finding blue tanks. Evelyn, Lianna, Zeline with a side of Mitsuko in case things go sideways.


Exactly! Just due to Evelyn being all over diamond tier I thought Iā€™d get hammered for sure.

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Has less to do with a blue tank and more to do with the GM standing by that blue tankā€¦ makes green stacks not nearly as exciting.


A center trio of

Gravemaker - Richard - Zeline is no jokeā€¦

Attack debuffs everywhere with a tough Paladin tankā€¦

Brought green? Gravemaker will make you pay.
Brought blue? Zeline will make you pay.

Richard doesnā€™t exactly tickle when he fires eitherā€¦ Iā€™d stick Drake in one corner and Kunchen or Hel in the other.


What the hey, Iā€™ll give that exact lineup a try. :grin:


I wanna hear about that :slight_smile:


I enjoy raiding and seriously, itā€™s not the tanks or team composition that scares meā€¦ Iā€™ll take on any team that comes between my crosshair or venture into my tower.

Itā€™s actually the random boards that worry me mostā€¦:wink:


So how did it go? Been waiting to hear!

Whoops, sorry man. I forgot all about reporting back. :open_mouth:

That team did okay for a couple days while I left it upā€¦hanging around 2575 overnight. Still wasnā€™t getting an awful lot of attacks, but the ones that did hit me weā€™re mostly winning. I had wondered if Kunchen in the corner was ever firing his special.

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Had to feel good to be able to post the team like thatā€¦just had to.

Try a purple attacker, might hold above 2600