Class Quests too difficult for new or lower level players. Need several levels of difficulty

Hi IvyData, the power of my team was around 2400. I got thru the 1st & 2nd levels relatively easily but the third was crazy hard & I didn’t beat it in any of the quests.

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I’m NOT asking to dumb down ANYTHING!!! I’m asking to offer different difficulties so difficulties don’t have to be dumbed down for you at all! I’m asking for smaller wins be offered for easier challenges offered only to the lesser powered players which you would not qualify for.

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Not what I’m asking 4… I’m asking that the higher level players get their difficulties and winnings and the lower levels at least get something as they level up that doesn’t encroach on the higher level winnings!! Just get something even if they can’t compete at higher levels, yet!

Zambezi, I have not paid a bunch to play this game but also would like to get all that can help me now and in the future! If you remember,I doubt highly you thought of or even considered much for those that are higher than you were. ALL I AM ASKING FOR IS SOME WAY TO WIN TOKENS (granted, not as many as higher level players) to help me in the game moving forward. I’m not asking to dumb it down, nor make it obscenely easy… I merely suggest that the lower levels compete on a lower level and the higher levels compete on a higher level (for commensurat rewards, not the same)!!! So please, don’t spit on us lower levels for wanting things that are available now and may not have been before. That is not anything we have control over or even knowledge of!

I have NOT spent a bunch of money. I do NOT want ANYTHING handed to me… I merely asked that the lower levels POSSIBLY be given challenges that are lower level than the higher levels and to make them commensurate with the level… Thus, highers get more, lowers get fewer rewards depending on the challenge! Don’t make this a poor money player asking to make it easy as it is DEFINITELY NOT THE CASE!!

This. Exactly this. If you aren’t high enough level yet, or you don’t have powerful enough heroes yet, to complete all three stages of the Trials, well… maybe later on you will be able to do so. :slight_smile:

They shouldn’t build the content in the game to be 100% completed by even the newest player on their first day.

The thing that I DO agree with, however, is… the trial listing 3000 as suggested team power, to complete the third stage, if that turns out to be not reasonable without some incredible luck or heavy usage of items, then they should consider adjusting that number to 3200 or 3500 or whatever, so that people can see at a glance that, “Oh, this is well beyond me at this time.”


I’m not asking that… I merely suggested that since the lower levels want to compete and the higher levels want it more difficult, MAYBE there could be a way so the lower levels can get some rewards and the higher levels can get challenged and get more for that fact… I’m done with this throwing crap around thinking anyone who has an opinion must have spent dollars on this game. I just want to play MY game and let you play YOURS!!!

I love your attitude about the quests, Mimsly! Sounds like you’re having fun doing what you can and enjoying the benefit of what you gain from it. Thanks for such an uplifting post!

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There are already easy stages for new players to try… and the emblems are for finished heros anyways.

old man voice I played for almost 4 months before I was even able to think of attempting the last stage of the rare quest for 4* mats. Its called PROGRESSION. I dont want stuff on a silver platter. I want to get strong, kick its butt, and pry it from the games cold dead hands.


Have you considered the point more levels means more emblems? The devs surely have as they have made revision after revision curbing asset inflation. This actually protects the f2p/c2p players as the spenders would be adding emblems hand over fist if more were made available.

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I guess I just thought I might be able to voice an opinion on here and not be squewered for saying something. I was wrong…

It should also be noted that there are multiple avenues by which we can acquire Class Emblems and that one of the primary avenues isn’t even released in game yet (weekly raid challenges).

The issue at hand here seems to be about making the quests more accessible in order to make them easier to acquire… not only do I believe that the challenge levels are good (I complete 1st level without items, 2nd level with, and fail on the 3rd), but I also believe that they have made emblems fairly ubiquitous. Everybody is short on emblems.

Until we experience the weekly challenge raids and see their own output, though, we won’t feel the full effect of farming emblems. Also… you’re in the same boat as everyone else. Acquire top tier heroes to farm the top tiers. Until then, be content with what you can acquire in the time being, knowing that tomorrow is a new day and holds hope for new heroes and conquering new challenges, too. o7


I’M NOT ASKING FOR MORE, in fact for less!! All I asked for was a way to amass without spending money and not stepping on those that have played longer!!!

But that’s exactly what exists now. If you can only complete one level, because you just have 1*/2*, you get 4 of both kinds of emblem.

If you have a stronger team, and can complete the second level, you get an additional 6 of both kinds of emblem (10 each in total).

And if you’re stronger yet, and can complete the third level, you get an additional 8 of both kinds of emblem (18 each in total).

There are different challenges, and different rewards, that are matched to different strengths of teams and players. Isn’t that what you’re asking for? What am I missing?


There’s already a system in place for you to get emblems as a weaker, newer player: the first two stages of the quest. So I don’t see the problem? What you’re asking for already exists. It doesn’t affect the higher level players, because they can complete all three levels, with the last stage as the challenge [for them]. While the lower level players can still get emblems completing the first two levels, that happen to challenge them as well.

I wouldn’t worry too much about not getting the last stage’s emblems. If you’re struggling to complete them, chances are, you won’t make use out of them for a very, very long time anyway. By the time that you do, you’ll have plenty of emblems already accumulated from the first two stages of the trials, and from chest loot; a lot more than anyone in your situation would have had a few months ago.

I get being frustrated with not being able to participate and complete everything the game has to offer immediately, but that’s just how games like this work. It’s all about patience and progression. The map, Atlantis normal/hard levels, the challenge events, seasonal events, rare quests and now these class trials are all prime examples of that. Can you complete all of those for the unfarmable mats? If not, well then it makes sense not completing every level of these trials too. & Even if you can complete all of those, these trials are the next step in difficulty and advancing. They should be more difficult, and take more time to progress enough to complete, than rare quests and challenge events. Especially for newer players of this game, because again, who needs emblems without several already maxed heroes?

Your goal, as a newer player, should be leveling the heroes that you do have, and focusing on getting all of the unfarmable mats you need to ascend them. Don’t worry about the last level of the trial until you yourself are ready. The trials will continue to rotate; you’ll get your chance at obtaining them like everyone else- in time. For now, build up your teams and get stronger. You’ll catch up in no time; you just gotta be patient :blush:


I don’t appreciate being attacked in real life nor being accused of paying money to get where I am in the game… no wonder I haven’t joined an alliance… I just wanted to ask s dammmmm question as a newish player… my flippin’ mistake!!!

I don’t know what you all have gone thru only my own experiences… IT WAS JUST AN IDEA THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT TOO EASY FOR THE ONES THAT DONT WANT IT TOO EASY BECAUSE OF LOWER PLAYERS. I’m done…

No one is trying to kill you for asking a question. But you haven’t yet clarified how what you’re asking for is different than what already exists.

There are already different challenges tuned to different strengths of team. What is wrong with what’s already in place/how exactly are you proposing to make it different?

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@Ladyrowaan, I don’t see how you are interpreting any of the replies above as “attacks” on you. A question was posed, and many reasonable, well-stated answers were given. I fail to see any personal attacks in these messages. Is it possible that you are being just a little bit thin-skinned here? :slight_smile:

I have already said that all I’m asking is to have the quests have several difficulties… not within the quests themselves but as the quests themselves. Ppl are saying they are too easy, ppl say they are too hard… why not make 2 sets of quests (of 3) one for lesser with lower rewards and one with higher rewards for those that are stronger?