Class Quests too difficult for new or lower level players. Need several levels of difficulty

@Ladyrowaan, this is slightly off topic, but you mentioned you are completing the first two levels and not the third. Do you remember what your team power was for any / all of the trials? And how heavy your item usage was?

I’m asking because I’m trying to help some of my alliance members gauge / complete the trials, so having another data point of what level team power is succeeding / struggling would be helpful to me.

The big problem with the last level of these things is that they cost way to many flags. 20 WE is crazy. If you have some bad tiles and are a little underpowered anyway, you have to wait 3 1/2 hours to try again or blow 75 gems. That’s way too much either way. Drop these to something reasonable like, 4/8/12 WE and give people a chance.

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Class Quests are primarily designed for experienced players with a higher variety of eligible heroes. If the last level is 4000 TP it is clear that it is not designed for lower level players. It works just fine.
Just imagine playing the game for year and a half (or more) without emblems like experienced players did. Think of it as an added bonus. You simply cannot catch up with those players and that is fine because that is exactly like it should be.


Hi IvyData,

I’m a new (1 month 5 days) F2P player. I only just finished my rainbow 3* team. I’ve been able to complete the first two stages of every class quest so far with a rag tag team including 2* and even 1* heroes.

Serenity was:

Power 1632
Isshtak 3/20
Needler 3/40
Olaf 3/40
Sharan 2/20
Nightshade 2/20


Power 2046
Scarlett 3/60
Dawa 1/12
Layla 3/40
Zudak 3/40
Toril 2/22

I know most advanced players would poo-poo the idea of leveling low level heroes but it’s been the only way I’ve survived. I look ahead at the upcoming quest and make a point of bring the reflecting colors. Really helped against the Evade of Scarlett and Domitia. Tile damage, axes and arrows got me through.


I honestly see people posting very bad teams that were able to clear even the last stage.

I think those people deserve the right to distinguish from who can’t do it.

I wouldn’t mind at all seeing the tiers stretched from three levels out to, say, five.

It’d be a nice enough way both to give lower level players access to a few more playable levels, and to give everyone a chance to get more emblems a few more times a month.


@wineybrit, those team powers are pretty impressive. I’ve been guessing higher number were needed, though I readily admit that the ‘true’ number is well below the recommended team power. Was your item usage heavy for stage 2? I’m still impressed, even if the answer is yes!

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Sorry, but the too long, didn’t read fits here.

OP, not everyone gets a trophy. I have many maxed heroes, but I found that when I maxed them I had no idea some were rogues while others were rangers. This caused me to have to lose a third level as my team was under-strength.

I am sure many players didn’t finish every level of every trial. I am working to get better. Grind, don’t whine


When I leveled most of my heroes, there was no such thing as classes. Now I’m having to reconsider my priorities in levelling order based on the new game system. Some classes I’m currently way ahead on, others are giving me issues when it comes to putting together a strong and effective class-based team for the trials.
What the people complaining about the difficulty seem to forget, or have yet to realise however, is that this is a slow game. Just because a feature exists doesn’t mean a player can, or should, be able to make use of it in the first month or so. The game caters for both new and long-term players, so it’s to be expected that something aimed to interest and entertain the people who’ve played for over a year will be too hard for those who have only had weeks or months of gameplay under their belts.
The answer isn’t to make all the endgame, hardest advanced stage, features easier for the new players, it’s for the newer players to learn the game and see the hardest parts as targets to be reached by their own skill, not giveaways that are theirs by right just for participating.
There does need to be a clear progression from easier to harder for newcomers to measure themselves against, like say having easier stages before the final hard one, but just turning the new features into auto-gimmes for just playing ultimately benefits nobody.


LOL. Everything. Barely scraped through on both with one or two heroes hanging on to life on almost 100% items used. I think I had 1or2 small mana potion left on Survival, but only because at that point I had no one left worth using them on. Got lucky with a last minute cascade that finished off Domitia. Went in with all heroes charges and ready to go; punched Toril for the attack boost and then Evade, Evade, Evade, Evade!!! It’s supposed to be a 20% chance!

Seriously? Y’all just want everything handed to you? You think you should be able to get everything no matter your progression?

You said you have 90 heroes, but are still leveling them. So you spent a bunch of money and now you have to wait to level them up. You don’t need the class emblems yet.

This is not a game where progression can be significantly sped up.

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Just adding my two cents on top of everyone else’s. As @Elpis pointed out first, there are 3 levels. In fact you cannot even compete in the last level unless your “player level” is 30.

I haven’t lost one yet. That said I’ve been playing over a year. Some were cake walks, others required lots of items and I barely scraped by.

I compare this to events. The first event I was able to complete was the summer event. I went in with a goal to make it to level 15. I was surprised I was able to do it and pushed on. I had to redo over and over around level 18 but I kept pushing. I eventually beat it and I wore my Rana avatar proudly. Since then, I haven’t had much challenge beating the events.

The point is it comes with time. And if you can’t beat the third level (again, there are three levels), your need of the tokens at this time is not as high. But compare to people like me. When I was at your level, I had no mechanism to get tokens as they didn’t exist. You will be that much higher than me when you reach my level. If you look at it from that perspective, you could see the advantage you have with things as they are.


Too bad this thread is closed: Class quest level 30 requirement - #120 by Rook.

Would have been awesome to have the 2 merged.

For those of you that dont have bushels of leveled up heros, are the emblems really needed?


Thank you. That is the point I made above, only much longer winded.

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I didnt even make it halfway through the post before that response came to mind lol

You can easily beat the final level in all these quests, just like we did with the Xmas event. Take axes, bombs, and dragon attack and you never even have to move a jewel. That totally wipes them out. Easy breezy. So far that’s been the answer to all these ever increasingly difficult quests. Now I know quite a few folks don’t bother with that and play it out like a normal level which can also be done. But if you wanna breeze right through then bring the items and it’ll be all over but the crying…

Because of the “I paid for this game, that’s why I have a right to do everything.” attitude, “need” isn’t a valid question.

And to the OP: Well, just spend a bunch of thousand bucks in the shop and you’ll get to the point where you can master all trials easily and right on point. No need to complain anymore…

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There are 3 difficulties unlocked at particular levels. They are exactly stage 1, stage 2, and stage 3.
What you are asking for is already there.

Some beginner players shouldn’t even be going for these emblems because they’ll spend them on heroes they’ll regret in hindsight anyway. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Stage 3 is the tough one at first glance. Just clear the levels with normal monsters, and when the boss level comes you fire 5 arrows, 5 axes and up to 5 meteors and the bosses are dead or as good as dead. Easy.

Meanwhile please let us veteran players have something mildly challenging, please? No need to dumb down everything.