Clash of Knights

Continuing the discussion from Clash of Knights: my entire Alliance HATES this quest:

Sorry I didn’t come back to respond to this sooner.

Until somewhat recently, I COULDN’T have left my alliance temporarily, because it’s literally MY alliance – I was the leader for years, until I finally passed the leadership on. But that’s beside the point. I’m in the alliance I’m in because I have chronic illness and I just would not realistically have the consistent energy to keep up with a more competitive one. I need to be in one where the focus is more on support, helping new players, having fun, and understanding that real life must take priority. So for example, we all must contribute somehow, but we don’t all do wars. We only ask that people mark themselves not participating if not doing wars (and then they need to at least hit most of the titans instead). And it’s acceptable to miss a war occasionally – a couple times a year, I will get too sick or just fall asleep through an entire war. In some alliances, that would get you kicked.

I am where it’s right for me. We’re not one of the top tier most competitive alliances, but we do still try to win at wars and progress with titans and such. And I just think it’s ridiculous that an event is set up in such a way that it excludes entire alliances, even the best players in those alliances, from even participating in the last third of the event just because the entire alliance isn’t able to score highly enough in the earlier section as a whole.

It’s a stupid way to set up an event. And it also artificially holds back the scores of those alliances. If we have, say, 15 players who would be able to finish the first 2 sections individually and they were allowed to go on to the final section, our alliance would have a much higher score. But just because we don’t have QUITE enough players to reach that final section, none of the 15 are even allowed to earn any points in that section for our alliance. We’re just cut off, arbitrarily. That doesn’t feel fair at all.

And when it also makes it impossible to finish the POV, and that’s completely outside the player’s control, that’s especially frustrating. It’s like having POV tasks that rely on quests, on a day when there are no quests to be had. No fair. The game shouldn’t give you tasks that you CAN’T complete. Especially in an event with a paid component, like POV. That makes me feel like I’m being cheated out of my money.

Totally agree! Although nothing can be done to change PoV tasks for that daily task, :disappointed_relieved:hopefully they take your feedback and that of others who said the same thing, on board for the next event.

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I would never play a game, where I always can complete everything. Game to be interesting must be challenging.
Now waiting for reactions to Monster Island, when that event will require even bigger activity and cooperation from alliance than CoK and where the loot will be much less dependent on individual activity…

Requests were made during beta for the threshold to be lowered for all or based on alliance population, at the time the AQ launches into live game.

None were accepted.

I feel for your alliance but efforts were made. The solution was possible but the power that be refused to accede to it.

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PoV has become so much easier to complete since the change, these points we get from events for example are a pure bonus to make it easier and not necessary at all.

You just explained it yourself, you play in a highly casual alliance being a casual players yourself together with other casual players, there is nothing wrong with that. Just accept the fact that not every single detail of the game is set up to cater to the most casual players or half full alliances (the other group that has trouble with this event). There are so many things to do these days, it´s hardly a big thing to skip one of them, especially for casual players.

I think the main point was it being unfair linking CoK tasks to PoV. Smaller alliances had NO chance of unlocking the Legendary stage, and therefore could not complete that POV task.

This is true… Although smaller alliances might not be able to explore more of the map, they’ll still be able to work together to defeat horde & apex monsters. Should that be a PoV task however, those in an alliance won’t be able to complete it all. That’s not fair! :cry:

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There is a difference between challenging and impossible. Challenging means it’s difficult at first but still achievable with effort. Impossible means it’s not achievable no matter how much effort you put in.

Or in this case, it’s totally out of your control whether or not it’s achievable. No matter how much effort you put in, it’s still only achievable if many others put in just as much effort as you, and you have zero control over what those others do. It’s like group projects in school, but worse, because in school I could always solve that problem by simply doing the entire project myself and letting the whole group get good grades based on my own work. Here, no matter how much work I do, it’s as if we’re all being rewarded based only on the efforts of the worst player on the team. The standards are so high that if any one person fails to do enough, it ruins it for everyone.


You’re right, but this is true in any team games. If one member of a team fails, usually the whole team loses. In this sense it will never be fair while there are any alliance-based challenges.

Following your reasoning, this game would be fair only if all players have the same roster, the same level, and were in the same size alliances.
Every player after reaching certain level can complete this challenge. The alliance they belong to is their choice, if they choose to be in a small alliance, there are consequences, but it has nothing to do with fairness. Rules are clear, equal to everyone and known to everyone.

I agree with most people here, there is no such thing as fairness other than having the same rules for everybody.

Especially being in the “wrong” alliance, is no grounds for complaint, since that is a choice.
Being a new player would be more reason for complain, because there is nothing you can do about it. You´re just not able to complete some tasks.

Anyway some things can be fixed by time, some things can be fixed by making different choices and if neither does it, there is no big deal in not completing every single feature of this game. I think nobody these days can complain there aren´t enough things to do :wink:

Ah no, that’s not what I’m saying.

PoV tasks should be possible for all players to complete … That was what I was remarking on. This is nothing to do with hero roster or level. Back in the day… We just needed to defeat titans, a certain number of enemies, or use feeders etc.

If POV tasks are exclusively for higher level players, then the ability to purchase these rewards should only be available to these players. If players knew ahead of time what tasks PoV would entail, an informed decision could be made if those players should / could purchase PoV - That would be fair.

Not necessarily.
You don’t have to purchase the rewards up front. Many people buy the POV pass only when they reach the 28th or 30th stage. But if someone wants to buy the rewards even if they only reach say lvl 24, why shoud they be forbidden?
And most tasks are “for higher level players”, only question is “higher than what?”. You don’t win on platinum or diamond if you are not on high enough level (it was 30-ish when I first get there, now with power creep probably higher level is needed). You can’t do war attacs if you are not lvl 15 I think. You can’t do special stages on Atlantis or Valhalla below certain level. And these are all “old” POV tasks.

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