šŸ“• Ceto ā€“ 5* Ice / Blue from Untold Tales

minor damage, who knows less what damage we are talking about?

Minor damage = 50% of the original damage.


And this is why SG has painted themselves into a corner. Heroes like Jove and Aramis are so stupidly overpowered that they really canā€™t release anything better than them. Jove essentially kills the entire team himself or cripples them to the point where you canā€™t recover. At fast speed. Aramis makes the entire defense unkillable if he goes off even once so you may as well flee. 1200 damage + 1600 boosted health + undispellable ailment block, yeah good luck.

Nobodyā€™s going to care one bit about heroes like Ceto when there are heroes like Jove. They had the right idea with a balance update to make the board more relevant and put a cap on hero damage, but they completely messed it up (what imbecile at SG came up with nerfing Brynhyld, Gazelle, Furdinand as part of this???) and then just put a stop to it altogether. So now weā€™re back to Joves and Aramises destroying everyone who doesnā€™t get their 9 tiles in 3-4 moves.


Agreed. We would have welcomed an actually well thought balance change, but cā€™est la vie.

They definitely painted themselves into a corner as you mentioned since they left the crazy OP heroes alone. Now someone like Ceto who would have been a great or good hero a couple years ago is kind of weak in comparison. Aramis, Jove, Anne, Hurricaneā€¦why even pull for other heroes beyond them!? :upside_down_face:


I have Jove and love him, but I can understand the frustration with him and why he needs a slight nerf. For me I was supportive of a balance update, but they were going to destroy the primary function of so many support heroes, which leaves the problem heroes like Jove, Aramis, Anne, etc even stronger. Really, they need to beta test longer, trust their beta testers and stop pushing for quick money with OP heroes and put into game enjoyment to create longevity for players. Hope it improves. Good luck to you and everyone else!


Agree whole heartedly. Power creep needs to happen to help people keep spending, I think we all can understand and agree with that, but power creep without balanceā€¦therein lies the problem.


Bought 2x web offers and just got her and Jaco (2x mulgog, 1x balgreg). Now who to max first and use my mats on: Ceto or Flip? (i need both blue and red 5*).



dont know if this a good idea as their ā€œbalance ideasā€ kinda caused some of this untold mess :sweat_smile:
and some more of the latest ones they described as too powerful


Yes, the same beta testers that said Laselle was too powerful and that 12% fiends was enough for him


Yes but some proposed damage for when fiend is destroyed as well

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And why you guys are thinking that they are listening to us??? They are listening only on what they want, how many times we warning them for the big ballance, how many times we wanted to revert this stats for the older heros, and what they have made? The game now itā€™s unplayable, yes the beta players wants the game to ballanced and give theyā€™re solution for the heros but SG donā€™t listen for all the heros, if they listening ther will not be heros like Anne Jove Aramis Ogima and all of this heros will good, but with monsters like them no matter what they will take out everything will be underwhelming, another example for this Becky, if Hypo didnā€™t was so OP do you thing he will be good hero? Now she itā€™s just mech, I can give a lot of examples but I think itā€™s not needed.


Im unsure of what your referring too though. I know Aramis, Anne and Jove they warned were too powerful from the beginning. I can see how balancing heroes now with some of these baddies that are out there wrecking havok already, is a problem. My thoughts are more they should have been listening to the beta testers the entire timeā€¦from the beginning. Listening to them now is a little too late. They have been warning against power creep for a bit now. I also wonder why so many holy and dark OP heroes? This Untolds group do need a buff as a whole. After all that, I do see where youā€™re coming from, lol

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Thank you! The balance update just needed to address the problem heroes. As an owner of some of these OP heroes I support some nerf. It was just waaaaay overdone.

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Devs arenā€™t listening to beta testers. Theyā€™re just showing them first what to come.

For those that have ever seen Prison Break in the very first episode, the main protagonist says some words and the CO says if you have any more ideas, place it in my Dropbox as heā€™s pointing to the toilet.


Laselle is proof Developers listen to beta testers.!! The beta tester said Laselle was too poweeerrfuull, so he was given only 12% fiend. Lmao.


Also they hated ferrus and haulstoneā€™s original names, so the devs changed it. Because those are the most important issues that needed to be addressed ASAP


Which means Rigard or any cleanser will be able to get rid of this?

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Version 58 Beta 2 - New Untold Tales Hero Feedback: Thalassa

Players thought the Hero was overpowered and said their skill needed toning down. There were multiple comparisons to Hathor with players saying she was an upgraded version. They noted that the stats and power of the Hero were too much and invalidated the proposed big balance change. Recommendations were made to decrease the Heroā€™s speed to average.


Remove status ailment reset
Reduce turns for status ailment protection to 4 turns
Reduce health boost to 410 max
Mimic the other Changing Tide Heroes by having two different specials at different speeds

those ā€œbalance ideasā€ killed off thalassa for example and made her complete worthless compared to hathor and ariel & others


Version 58 Beta 2 - New Untold Tales Hero Feedback: Galapago

Players really liked the Hero describing him as balanced with differentiated skills at both charges and useful. They said he was ready to go.

just lol - ā€œbalancedā€

he may have been balanced & ready to go in 2020
so either beta players have not played live game since then or i dont know :sweat_smile:

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