Candidate for Alpha Aether : Verus vs Desmond vs Green Knight

Hi guys, just want to ask which hero should I give AA ? Its gonna be my 1st AA for green hero

My other green :

I already have 5 heroes with AA. Starwalker, POTO, Cupid, Lazara and Kara

Please help me decide which one should I pick for my 1st green hero. Thank you in advance

  • Verus
  • Desmond
  • Green Knight
0 voters

Desmond is a beast on defence.

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Thank you. I wonder what makes Verus receive more vote than desmond tho :thinking:

I pulled Verus and Im slowly levelling that one as I dont have any other Owl family. Haven’t tried using it yet.

Desmond is one that I avoid completely in Raids. I use 2 blue heroes on attack and Desmond just annihilates them.

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verus vote

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  1. The passive, it reigns in Nautica and other mana boosters.
  2. His stats are better so his longevity is better than Desmond‘s.

Happy gaming

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I find him to be more versatile than Desmond.


How about the long term scenario, I mean Verus attack will become less and less effective with the power creep progress. New heroes will have higher defense stat and verus’s hit is based on that stat difference right?

Well, I voted for GK and thought he’ll be 1st, or maybe 2nd.
But I’m the only voter for him :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you for your participation. Every vote matters. My GK sent his thanks and regards :grin:

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