Can you help me with this one please

All the time you can see the writing if you’re looking in my alliens description Or the writing it’ll show me

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I don’t really understand the problem. Maybe if you explain me in Romanian (si eu sunt roman) :slightly_smiling_face:

P.S. Also “in my alliens description” made my day :rofl:

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Close your app. Clear cache. Force stop. Then restart game.

Starting game without a bunch of other processes goin on will help too

It’s just a small visual glitch that happens for whatever reason. Idk why it happens.


Now tell me what is the glitch @Rigs, because the curiosity kills me :slightly_smiling_face:

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Missing random letters in words

His/her alliance name for example

And the 7th alliance member has a missing letter as well i believe < L> dont think it’s supposed to just say L

4th and 8th members as well


Hmmm, I thought this is the way they wrote. Also, the alliance description is OK in Romanian, no missing letters…

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I could be wrong then as idk much about romanian writing. I thought he said alliance description but meant alliance name as I’ve heard that before when talking to foreign languages

Foreign recruits have asked me what my “alliance description” is


Definitely missing letters as @Rigs pointed out. The actual alliance name is as follows.


Well done, with the searching. You are right, I remember that alliance :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah, it’s a top 100 alliance, easy to find them in the leader board. :slight_smile:


I just now noticed their score.
Kinda hope we face them in war

Might delete letters out of our alliance name and see how many times he restarts his phone lol jk


I really hope the best for you and better not face Romanians in AW :rofl:


I think it would be a first


Missing littera if looking ro banditii

Hes a funny no I speak free language May so what do you see Funny and this one if you look carefully missing litre all the time he won a go through in my game after this up Because this up missing all the time Littera you understand now When I put in the Issue I hope you understand now thank you

Sorry, it’s nothing personal and I’m sorry the game has visual glitches that affect your gaming experience but your english is just a bit hard to understand. I’m not perfect either and we all make mistakes (I’m Swedish, not English (and also a wee bit tipsy)).

What I’m guessing he thought was funny was that you wrote ‘alliens’, which is closer to aliens than alliance (which was what you meant).

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Can someone explain to me how can he attack me with all heros in same turn and that Skittleskull attacked me with special skill twice in a row with one mana generated ???

I don’t understand…

What is that you don’t understand what i’am saying or what you seeing ?

There is slash attack explanation. If turns are determined randomly as he says then yes it is possible for all defenders to roll the same turns between slashes which would cause them to slash at the same time. Unlikely but possible.

The skittleskull issue. Are you sure you didnt fill his mana a 2nd time? Heroes only fire a skill once per mana fill. So either you experienced a glitch or you just didn’t notice filling his mana a 2nd time