Can you help make sense of this?

Oh, I am. It’s a good point about rare quests, but I wasn’t worried about rare quests in the beginning.
If I had to start all over again, I’d start with 2* and 3*, replacing the 2* as 3* start coming in. Then, If I get a 4* worth maxing, I’d start leveling them. My goal would be to get a rainbow 4* and 2 rainbow 3*, so I could stack 2 3* and 1 4* of the same color. That would be a milestone for me. But since I started working on my 4* early, I have 2-3 4* of the same color, so my concern now is to have depth for AW.

Can I just make one little point here
This is the first time that @gunny_badger has posted in the forum. He came here looking for help, advice and guidance.
If it was me, and I was reading all of this after my first post, I don’t think I would be coming back - which is a shame.
@gunny_badger please don’t let this put you off.
We are a great bunch of really enthusiastic players in here. But sometimes are hearts rule our heads.

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You complain about others who you claim said this, but remember that you said this:

“I hope youbdidnt get fooled by all of their false reasoning.”

Which I would suggest is roughly equivalent to:
“Don’t listen to the guys who disagree with me. They don’t know what they’re talking about.”

I’m in a similar alliance to what you described… regularly taking down 8* or so titans, and we have a solid core of main players with a few in and out each month. But like others have noted here, it is frustrating to have someone join up who has a solid defense of 4* heroes but they can only use 2 war flags because they didn’t build up enough 3* to have war depth early.

Anyway, I think it’s always a good idea to assume that someone ISN’T attacking you, and remember that if you feel that you need to defend your strongly-held views on the internet… you don’t have to. :wink: If you’re trying to convince a random person on the internet to listen to you instead of these five other people… you’re doing the internet wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:

Good gaming!


If you want an alliance to join, we have an extra spot. Really helpful bunch of people, @backwardzz got me in, and they’ve been helping me grow a lot. Titans and Alliance Wars really help you with ascension mats, and you have senior members guiding you through it, discussing strategies etc.

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AND this isn’t music!!! @gunny_badger Keep at least one every single 3 star you ever get (excluding Prisca, Renfeld, Oberon, Graymane , Karil) in your earliest days. Pro tip. Unemblemed 3 stars will reward you in tournaments like no other heroes for the life of the game…

Yes, a few unlevelled 4 stars here and there will not hurt; as weill an unlevelled 5 star @2:60 here or there is also good (Quintus is not)

Kiril: essential, max
Isarnia: 2:60 for now.
*** Gunnar (keep) is great for tournaments but requires confidence to use effectively.
Caedmon: max
Kashhrek to 3:60. He will serve you well.
BT: max
Bane: max
Wu Kong: Max!!! YOUR #1 PRIORITY for Titans (the most awesome attack booster (buffer) in game).
Rigard, Sabina, Tiburtus in that order.

Happy gaming! And don’t ever forget to ask!!!


That’s pretty much what I did. I think I had a bunch of 2* blues for the longest time because I just wasn’t pulling any 3* or 4* blues. But, I had a set of usable war teams who could be used for cleanup or softening the tank. Of course, at the time, most of the opponents were 3/4* heroes, not 5*.

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Yes, i said that after they made those statements.

anyway, ive made my case on why its better to have a team of 4 star heroes first, if you are able to get them. Ive given reasons from every single part of the game. If people would like to continue to abuse me for my tone, feel free to do so. If people would actually remove the emotions to defend themselves and actually think about the situation, im sure they will see that what im saying makes sense.

Rosa parks didnt have to stand up for what was right. Nor martin Luther king jr. Nor many of the people in history, whether significant or completely unknown in their own little way.

You know we’re just discussing a game here, right?


Dorsnt change the fact that extremely rude and abusive posts are being upvoted and supported by a clique of people who hide under a pretense that they are polite and respectful because they add “good gaming” at the end of their posts.

Good gaming.

Thanks, appreciate the comments.

I think all the S3 3*s except maybe By-Ulf are worth maxing since they each do something unique:

  • Bjorn: only 3* to deal extra damage against weak element for special skill, but 350% is still brutal regardless
  • Nordri: one of only two ice debuffers, the other being the 5* King Arthur
  • Ei-dunn: 220% to three (notice it’s NOT “minor damage to nearby”!), only 3* to slow mana regen
  • Kvasir: only 3* minion maker

And yes, Bauchan is absolutely worth maxing. Bauchan+Ei-dunn is a terrifying combo when pulled off.

But I’m not sure if I’d necessarily level these before a 4*, just really depends on what you have and where you are at in the game, F2P/C2P vs P2P etc. Although you definitely should max the above heroes at some point as they will come in really handy for events if nothing else.

(full disclosure: I have all the above maxed and am working on a second copy of each S3 3* so I’m probably biased)

Gunnar’s costume if you have it is also worth maxing. Where Gunnar really shines is 3* rush tourneys, but for rare tier of events he can also save your team if things start going south.

I actually would advise against leveling Kashhrek unless you plan on running him as tank and building your defense around him since he’s a one-trick pony and really only good for that one role. If you do take him to 3/60 he will serve you well all the way up to low gold but then he’ll increasingly lose usefulness unless you take him to 4/70 and emblem him. (please don’t)

I would probably level Tiburtus before Sabina since OP already has Caedmon who also dispels That ramming pulverizer is useful everywhere you go and will last even well into platinum. Sabina’s passive dispel can come in handy in some situations, but I don’t feel that comes up enough for where OP is at in the game to justify leveling her before Tiburtus.

All IMO of course. :slightly_smiling_face:


Apparently, pointing out how someone is doing exactly what they are criticizing others for doing is being “rude” and “abusive”… LOL. Defensive much?

And I apologize that I have a signature phrase I put on almost all my posts that goes back about 15 years to other video game forums I’ve been involved with. :slight_smile: Let me change my ways for you, since me saying something positive bothers you.

I’m done with this thread, and I had to look up my notes on how to modify my forum block list, that doesn’t come up very often. :slight_smile:

I’ll just leave the OP with a link to this thread… perhaps you’ve already seen it, but it has some really good advice. It expanded into a huge thread, but the link is to NPNKY who is a respected player and forum contributor and has some good advice, also. Maybe once omg posts some in-depth player guides, I’ll revisit my opinion. But probably not. :wink:


Some weirdness here. I didn’t see Kashh again until upper platinum and now, coupled with Brynhild, he is more of a blight than the Plant Girl! (Telluria)/Vela combination. More of a slugfest, but golly is it demorallising. At least with Plant Girl! at my level, you have won in the first 4 moves or you most definitely have lost! :wink:

This is gonna sound weird, but the trick I’ve come to learn to beat Crashwreck is to intentionally NOT bring any red heroes but stack against the flank instead. By doing so I’ve completely neutralized half his special, since that red protect is now wasted.

I make sure to bring two fast snipers, a ramming pulverizer (now replaced by rock Tibs since def down to all while doing 175% damage is amazing), and try my very best to make matches only under Crashwreck to charge up my snipers and waste his heal. Then I just pick off the defending snipers one by one until usually Crashwreck is the last one standing.

I’d say I have a an 85% win rate against Crashwrecks with this strategy depending on the rest of the team composition. Learned my lesson the hard way in my early days when I’d bring a 3-1-1 red stack only to get frustrated by that red protect.

And yes, Brynhild is a very dangerous tank that most people severely underestimate. The “this effect can’t be dispelled” part of her special is what makes her so deadly when she goes off.

Can we please just clarify one of @omg’s statements? I though war rewards were for participation only? Or is that just the war chest?

I understand the Kashhrek vulnerabilty in as much as you lead with a NEUTRAL colour! Mostly the Kashhreks I am facing now are standard and that strategy absolutely works with an unembled, unmana troop boosted Kashh. So, the issue, now, is 4* troops AND/OR Brynhild’s 24% mana boost plus mana troop plus Kashrek (now fast, not average!! and protection from special skills for 3 turns. A fast Kashhrek is nasty by himself, but Kashh coupled with Bryn could be insanely unpleasant. I intend to find out)

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I’d just (re)roll right past them. :smile: No point doing a raid I don’t have at least a 50% chance of winning unless I’m intentionally seeking out certain tanks and trying to refine my strategy.

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unless I’m intentionally seeking out certain tanks and trying to refine my strategy.

That would have been me @~9 hrs ago! Plant Girl! and Vela. All I’ll say is I ended up even on cups but it wasn’t pretty. I hadn’t realised how much love boards had been giving me until 4 strait defeats against the dynamic duo!

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Last post here because i really thunk this is helpful: @Fizban @Elayanith

You cant expect a newer player to become a cornerstone of your alliance war. The game is a marathon not a sprint :wink:

The important thing for weaker members woth thin benches in an AW is to make sure they can hit above their liability. For example, if my team is worth 40 points, and i get killed 3 times per alliance wars, i want to be able to score 120+ points on offense on average each alliance war.

But if i can’t then one way is to lower my liability by putting in a weaker defense. If i can do on average 90 points per war, then i just need to make sure my defense team is worth less than 30 points to be a net positive.

In this way, every member contributes to the best of their ability while developing their own teams. Having them make 30 3 star heroes wont help if your opponents are all 3700-4100 teams or even better.

I’m fairly certain it doesn’t work that way. Your score for defeat in AW is dictated by your 5 most powerful heroes and troops. If you use a weak defense you are harming your alliance (see Aiffe defense. I’ll look it up). If you do not use your strongest most effective defense you are giving easy points away based on a misunderstanding or misinterpretation.

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