Bugged Account or insanely unlucky?

Hi folks,
I started playing in December 18 and since then I made several hundred, if not thousand pulls on events, Atlantis and in the beginning elemental summons. I have two Onatel from January and since then not one HotM.
I am wondering how unlucky one can be or is there a chance that my account got bugged/flagged or something?
I had desperately hoped for a Ranvir, but 10 Epic Hero Tokens and 40 Pulls at Riddles of Wonderland were not enough … 20 Pulls Atlantis and 10 for Summer Event are my last chance for him.

Thanks for your opinions, Andy

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SG would never bother bugging someone’s account. There would be absolutely no reason for them to do that. Unfortunately, RNG just works that way. Some people will get lucky and get a 5* and the HoTM off a free epic hero token… others won’t get anything in hundreds of summons. That’s how RNG works. Sorry to hear you’ve had a bad run. Happens to all of us :confused: Better luck in the future!


You’ve been unlucky, but not even insanely so.

50 pulls has a cumulative probability for at least one HOTM of 48% — that means that the majority of players who do 50 Summons wouldn’t be expected to get a HOTM on average.

So it’s — unfortunately — not at all surprising that you didn’t get Ranvir in those Summons.

Since you’re planning another 30 Summons, it’s worth noting that the odds are still quite low.

If 1 million players each did 80 Summons, the expected result is that 351,000 would NOT get Ranvir.

And for your upcoming planned 30 Summons, since your past Summons won’t improve your odds, you have a 32.5% cumulative probability of getting at least one of Ranvir.

So it’s OVER TWICE as likely you WON’T get Ranvir in your next 30 Summons as you getting him.

Given those low odds, I highly encourage you — and everyone else — to set and stick to a budget for Summoning.

Chasing heroes is a good way to spend a lot of money and end up frustrated if you don’t get what you wanted.

These threads can be useful to read for more information on Summoning odds:


I know that 50 summons are not enough to certainly get the HotM, but 100s or 1000s of summons should net you one of the HotM … and I got 2 Onatel with low money investment and no Kunchen, Frida, Anzogh, Margaret or Ranvir with higher investments … and that’s annoying.

ive played near 2 years with 2 accounts , in all that time ive only ever drawn 1 HOTM ,evelyn … so , not unlucky , I suspect the norm … shocking tbh that things are so stacked in favour of those that spend ■■■■ loads
I buy some of the special offers & now focus on atlantis pulls & even that isnt great.
hey ho

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Really up and down with how many you get. My worst that I really wanted I had to do about 390 pulls to get. The odds at not drawing one at the 380 mark are quite low. After that I didn’t spend for a while so didn’t draw at all in the wonderland before this one. So for this one I wanted to draw until I had Cheshire Cat so after 40 pulls I had 1 Cheshire, 1 Captain of Diamonds, 1 Hatter, 1 Khagan, 1, Leonidas and 3 Ranvir.

The most HotM I’ve gotten is 10, in my 310’ish pulls for Arthur.

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I’ve been playing for about a year, I have Drake & Kuch on one acct, and Margaret on the other… I’ve paid, several hundred in the year or so. But not anymore. If I get them I get them, I’m over playing the spend game/gamble. Lol it’s all luck, and I finally realized I don’t have it!

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That’s a very healthy position to take! Good for you! The game can be a huge money soak, and the odds are really low. I do this instead of having something like a cable sports package on my TV–but I always treat the money I spend on this game as entertainment spending. Just like watching a movie, the money is gone whether I loved or hated what I got.


Entertainment budget, amazingly my tag for it, and it must have a reasonable cap; decision is made before summons and stay the same afterwards, if it is for 10pulls, then 10 pulls it is. 20, 20 it is no matter the result.

Take what the luck can give, the reality based on the probability is, you may get some and some you won’t get, so there is need to.establish personal controls.


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