Bug in hero roster, when levelling costumes

Used to be, when tapping on “level up” in hero roster, those heroes would be highlighted, who aren’t levelled in the equipped version.
(E.g. if the costume is equipped and it’s not levelled to max yet, it’s highlighted. Or, if the normal versio is equipped and it’s at max, the hero is not hoghlighted.)

But with the latest uodate, this has changed. Nowadays those heroes are highlighted, who aren’t at max in the normal version, regardless of which version is equipped!! This is quite anooying.
I’m not planning on ever maxing the normal Kashrek, he’s ar 4-1 and that’s fine, as i onlyever use the costume. Yet he’s always highlighted. And even worse: I have always trouble spotting Horghall, who’s at max in the normal version, but i’m levelling the costume now.

Please correct that!

it’s a known issue, check this thread

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