Buff/ Nerf - Is that all?

Is this all that’s left of this forum? Buff this hero and definitely nerf the other one?! :man_facepalming:t2: Lately these are the only topics circulating around; well it’s really sad, I know for me, I will for sure minimize the reading time….there’s nothing really to read about other than envy and raged posts related to just that……sad


Well, mostly you will find complaining about everything, but you can ignore those threads and read only those that interest you. I read F2P or beta beat threads, guides or hero threads etc.
Sometimes people just need to vent out.


Yeah I feel the same way. Often I log in to see 10+ new topics. The majority aren’t new and sometimes non inspire a response.


You thinking the forum needs a buff?


You forgot spenders flexing :wink:

It’s no win situation. The Devs opened the door to people to start threads about buffs and nerf. A tidal wave of these threads came in which means, most will be ignored. Forums are fickle, so many people say they don’t want nerfs or buffs yet every single day you can easily find 100 posts about it one way or another.

Life goes on and things always evolve. And everybody loves their own opinion.


The player base has matured, the mechanics remain mostly unchanged.

New heroes are being released faster, older heroes are made obsolete faster.

The forum is merely a lens to view what the game has become.