Buff Cecilia

I’ve been waiting for her release since she has been in beta and it was originally planned for March, but was pushed back to April and I’m shocked that she was not only nerfed in one way, but in two.

• HP boost on dodge is reduced from 500 to 250
• Class is changed from Rogue to Ranger

One nerf would’ve been enough tbh. With all these overpowered heroes, there was no reason to nerf Cecilia twice, which kind of ruins her now.

Even the early feedback polls in her thread show, that
• Cecilia is completely broken (under powered)
• her Special Skill and Intended Purpose terribly matches her Base Stats
• she’s not worth giving emblems to
• she’s not worth limit breaking

I was really excited to spend my gems trying to get her, but you’ve done her dirty with the double nerf. So please, whoever is in charge of that, buff her asap. Thanks :purple_heart:

It is a nerf only if the hero was changed, not different from beta. Beta doesn’t matter at all. Plenty of fish in the sea, if you don’t like her, do t ascend her


well they could have changed it to 375 HP boost on dodge, like Hanitra. That would have made some sense maybe. And i think people wouldnt be so disappointed.

Just take out the boosted health and add 25% mana every time the hero dodges! :man_shrugging:t2:

I do agree, that compared with new heroes she is a bit on the weaker side. Slight buff to healing would be appreciated. Or at least then up her damage to 280…

I dont see why recent heroes have been granted 3 passives in some cases but she gets only one, and a weak one at that.

Ive pulled her this morning but I already have an LB1 Bastet, so what is the incentive to give her mats?

Its disheartening to finally get kucky on a portal only to find that the shiny new hero youve pulled is miles off the current level of power coming from other releases.

Even heroes in her family get 2 passives (Winnie) or way more powerful specials (Xiamara).

I just pulled her, but not excited about it. I already have Constance leveled doing the same thing. She definitely needs a buff despite people voting she’s stronger than most. :man_facepalming:t2:

She’s not the crème de la crème, however, she’s most certainly not a buff candidate when so many others need it more.

Not to worry though, with their backward thinking, illogical minds I’m sure they will before the next portal to bOoSt SaLeS.


I doubt heroes are nerfed or buffed to boost sales. It would be a very inefficient use of time and resources.

Erm, they most certainly do - that’s why they buffed the entire goblin portal initially.