Boredom in Diamond raids / 5* Tournaments / Wars

I’ve been playing every day for two years… no other element of the game is even remotely close as OP as the Telluria / Vela mistake…


I know. It’s like l do understand the frustration of seeing the same team compositions over and over again. There should be more diversitiy. Different compositions with different heroes being match to each others.

Agree. But there are always the best heroes, and top-100 will definitely have that.
Hey, some people from top-100 donate a premium car or a house (in money, of course) to SG)


Kinda said very similar things to developers yesterday…for me, it’s an issue…honestly right now I’m having more fun merging dragons

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agree, i think because all three were so new, the combo didn’t express enough in beta for them to realize what a cluster it is. But here we are and there’s no easy way I can see out of it.

If you nerf Tell or Vel then everyone that spent and emblemed is pissed off, bit if you don’t everyone that doesn’t ha e them is pissed.

It is not the same as Guin, Kunchen or Ursena, it is worse.

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This is even more time consuming than E&P(

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And that’s what’s wrong. Like at sport teams. It is not the best team the one that has all the best players (most expensive) but it is the one that has the best synergy.



I always get in trouble when commenting on things like this, because the big spenders think I’m insulting them. Not insulting them, just stating facts: some people have spent more on this game than I paid for my car (when it was brand new).

That’s awesome that they can afford to do that, but I unfortunately can’t.

Definitely went into the wrong business. I should have spent my younger years learning how to create match-3 games.


Yes, but there is always a best synergy too)

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There were always tanks that were dominant, but Guin, GM, Ursena or Kunchen never had such big tank share in top diamond like Tell. Not even close…
Couple of days ago I did a count of Tell tanks in top 100 ranked players at that moment. 84!
So, absolutely, it became very boring…

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On solution to rembalance things without nerfing heroes is removing defense stat boost.

Anyway for the moment you dont use offense with heavy emblems while defense are, same with best use of troops, so attack/def bonus is no longer a need and might be remove or reduce.

I’m having some fun hunting Telluria. My red team is all I use now in raiding. After I switched some emblems around this is easily beating the maxed out talent trees and lvl30 heroes. Everyone using GM and Vela and blind heroes. Basically the problems people have been having is the vast amount of status effects that the teams have been casting not so much the direct damage.

Bringing Grazul with a sufficient mana troop makes 6 red tiles charge her special. I don’t worry about Telluria‘a special much. Save Grazul’s special to prevent effects from GM and Vela (especially Vela). The specials from Tyr and Marjana can usually kill Vela if not immediately the combined DOT will kill in 2-3 turns.


I’m sure I wouldn’t be writing this post if I had Telluria…but SG you’ve made a huge mistake with Tels stats…far too overpowered and those players (especially high level players) are far too difficult to beat with Telluria as tank especially with loads of emblems…I am a platinum/diamond player but spend so much food rerolling when I see a +10 Telluria…I like a challenge but come on! All the top players have Telluria as tank…hmmm wonder why?? OP perhaps?

Well rant over and I’m sure I’ll look back on this post and laugh when I get my own Telluria…but by then I’m sure you’ll come up with some hero better or a hero that can ‘clearly’ counteract…but in the meantime I sigh

Imo far too overpowered…and am I jealous hell yeah!

I’d say many agree with you!


:lock: :lock: :lock: :lock: :lock: :lock: :lock: !


Yeah just realised…this post was put in the wrong place :joy:

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This reply made drop my phone lol


You guys might as well make Santa very fast and grimble red for **** sake .
Nearly makes me want to delete this game I’ve spent a lot of $$ as millions have but it’s just unfair now and poor buggers with your normal heroes might as well download a different game for future possibilities of getting somewhere .
All getting a bit greedy guys stop rubbing your hands together and counting the $$$ coming in and give something back to the players hey or at least start by evening up the hereos a bit as not everyone is loaded with cash to keep summoning until they get the most unfair hero in the game …

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Want some cheese with that whine?
Next time look for similar threads

Merge @Rook

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