Boredom in Diamond raids / 5* Tournaments / Wars

This trio has the best defensive synergy among any other trio. Can you name another trio besting GM, Telly & Vela tanking and flanking?

Where were you when Telly and Vela were nerfed not too long ago?

There’s Yunan (green) available at the end of the month thru SandEmpires. Ursena (purple) can be obtained from Atlantis in the first week of July. Guinevere (yellow) and Black Knight (red) can be summoned next month’s Avalon. If you choose to, you can make the current HOTM, Raffaele (blue), a tank since he has tanky stats. So all elements are very much represented in the tanking business in the next 30 days. Do not discount certain heroes from Valhalla and Masquerades, too.

Errr… if you haven’t checked it yet, look for Reuben, the red HOTM for December. Once he is released, players will think twice retaining Telly as tank. Same with Guinevere with the release of Seshat. Tides are changing soon.

No, we are not.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It’s like asking the banks for them to let the money be held and kept by the depositors themselves, or asking rich people to surrender all their money and let the poor keep it, or asking motorists not to drive their vehicles, or students not going to school, or so on. Good luck with that. And for the record, I still see Guin, Kunchen, Ursena, Black Knight, Zeline, Heimdall, GM on the top once in a while.

Yes, it is but only if you think it is crazy.

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