Black Friday Portal 2022

So many portals, so little time! Remind me again, please, CF2 - You can use your Challenge Coins there, yes?

Pondering to continue to save up those coins for that one, and spend my fem gems in the Black Friday Portal… I forgot you couldn´t even use the coins there :woman_facepalming: :blush:

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Yes, and @Kilted is right to point that out. I chose to go big with gems and coins on CF2 the first time it came around. Now that I have most of the 3s and 4s from that portal, I’m free to save gems for other things. May still be good to throw some challenge coins at it from time to time, though.

Agree. Don’t let the perfect become the enemy of the good!


Hmm…I have most 3* and 4* heros that I want or dont want from Atlantis and the older challenge events.
I have 0 4* from the newer challenge or other events.

I want to use most of my 40 ehts for Xmas event since I have 0 5* heros from this and would really like mother north! Hope dies last!! :rofl:

I have saved up 4.5k gems.

What do you people think how i should use these gems?

And when do we expect the next CF2? :slight_smile:

At the next Challenge Festival 2 event

Thank you, very good saying, that :100:

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Stole it from my boss, but yes, it’s excellent advice.

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Black Friday on E&P is everything but the sale. Crappy portal and crappy offers, mostly more expensive than the usual special offers


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: [Master Discussion] Black Friday Summon Event 2022 - FAQ, Discussion, Offers, Summons Results

So the real black friday experiance.

Well master topic is available now thanks @King_Kyree77 for the topic for the last year …:blush::+1:

Any dissucssion can be followed here

Gonna close

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