Best teams for each war type?

Hi. I’d love some help.

Every war I get the same question in my head: which team set for my defense?

Nwoadays for a good team you can just set your newer heroes randomly because their stats are so unbalanced high they will work fine anyway. But I don’t own many good defensive heroes. I also don’t have any meta heroes. So, it gets difficult. Because I (thankfully) need to think about strategies to play.

I’d love suggestions of defensive team for each one of war teams based on my current heroes. Thank you in advance:

• Holy:
Motega LB +18
Anne LB + 20
C. vivica +20
Hanitra +18
Celidana +18
Cleoprata +19
Sif +19
Drake fong +20
Leonidas +19

☆ I can limit break 3 holy legendaries.

• Nature:
Quennel LB +19
C2 lianna +18
Kadilen +19
C lady of the lake LB +20
Elradir +18
Zocc +19
Vicelus +15
C2 lianna +0
C lady of the lake 1/1

☆ i can LB 2 nature legendaries

• Fire:
C marjana LB +20
C marajana +20
C azlar +20
C elena +20
C khagan +18
Zagrog LB +18
Mitsuko +18
Russel +0

☆ I can LB 4 fire legendaries

• Dark:
Grimble +18
Hel LB +20
C2 obakan Lb +20
C quintus +0
Mokarr +0
Diaochan LB +20
Peppermint +18

☆ I can LB 3 dark legendaries

Penguin LB +20
Ariel LB +20
C thorne +20
C isarnia +18
Lord Loki LB +19
Miki +18
Glenda +19
Vela +15
C. Alasie +18
Alexandrine +0
C2 Kiril LB + Alpha break +20

☆ I can LB 2 ice legendaries.

No plans in pulling more heroes. Always were c2p and went f2p last year.
Thank you for any help.

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Was you ever able to get any response for this question? I too would love to get more information on best setups for each war type. Been seriously struggling.

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Which colour tank does your alliance ask for?

As for limit breaks you want to do lb good heros like cleo etc.

As for war types just use what heros you have best suited, so usually average-slow for fast wars, on minion wars use heros that take advantage of minions like pengi,diaochan etc. War equalizer try go for damage heros, avoid any heal/dmg over time the best you can.
Barrage you can have extra healers with your damage as the barrage can be a real pain

Theres many reasons your defense could not be doing well though, its not always about bad heros or bad setup but it can be a factor. Troops make a big deal! Especially if you have magic troops etc.

What is your place in the alliance? If youre one of the weaker you often will be 1hit because there will be multiple of the enemy stronger than you. Are you a leader? Some good players just focus the leader, are ypu checking who is attacking you? Sometimes people far stronger attack weaker teams, cant tell you how many times i was the leader and someone with 500+power above me would go for me first.

The enemy can also just have good heros or a good board, you cant really see but the game doesnt do a good job of actually dictating the strength of heros. The newer heros are obviously way more op than the older heros yet arent that different in “power rating”

Try this :

Minion war ( Undead Horde):


VF war:

Miki-Khagan(basehero)-c2.Obakan-Lotl(base hero)-Anne

All other wars:


I assumed you use purple tanks like 80% of the alliances.

Good luck