Bai Yeong – 5* Holy/ Yellow - September 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Not sure how I’d use him since I have Malosi, Poseidon, Vivica, Onatel, Drake, justice, sif, Leon, ranvir and a bunch of 4*s but I still want him. I’m glad they made him fast. I wish they’d make Justice average. Her slow mana sucks.

Monkey, not Gorilla :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Boring hero IMO, has nothing really special. Maybe useful for newbies or those looking to complete a yellow mono team, but I will defo not replace either Joon/Malosi/White Rabbit/g.Jackal/Poseidon or even Inari or Ranvir for him - if I pulled him.

Most usefull HoTM ever. Oh, wait a minute… Bai Yeong, Zocc, Noor, Raphael…
SGG is afraid to create IMBA heroes after Telluria fails :rofl:

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I see Bai Yeong and have the strong feeling that… there’s a lack of ideas behind him.
“We have to release a new yellow HOTM. What do we do?”
“Yeah, let’s just rearrange percentage and duration of blind effect.”
“Great! But so many yellows have blinding. Anything else?”
“Yeah, let’s just pick a random third effect from that list of already used effects.”

But he(??, hope he’s a he, or we would have the first topless female hero after Natalya’s vicious attempt) has a nice design. He’s just so happy and easy going and those trousers are the cause of the blinding, i think. Apart from that foot. It’s just so… so… squared.


They could have made him the first holy legendary to deal extra damage to dark…Just saying

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does this hero comes with 3yers guaranty not to be nerfed


Well, I got 3 of him from Atlantis summons. Guess I’ll put 2 into the Hero Academy.

Got one from a 10 pull in Atlantis … along with Gobbler and a 5th Proteus… the rest 3*
Not sure what to do with him/her… I already have Leonidas, Costume Joon, Justice, Malosi and Onatel all on max with emblems

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You can bring him up to 3.70 if you please.
She would still do better than an unemblemed chao for a second yellow war team.

Looking for uses to this hotm :laughing:

Here my pull

I think that i will bring him to 3.70 to test him but i doubt i max him any soon. I have other yellows before him


This hero seems to be very similar to Zocc.

-Both snipe with low damage
-Both try to annihilate your target’s special skill

Zocc is average, he has very good chances of depleting your target’s mana (if you choose wisely) + damage

Bai is fast, so the same effect can happen minus the fact the special skill still has 25% chance to work, the duration is a bit less and there’s not the mana buff that ensures that Zocc’s effect will work by charging your target so that the special skill is triggered.

I can understand SG’s logic regarding these two heroes I believe, but none are OP and I wouldn’t mind if I didn’t pull Bai.


Got one just now. Think I would be quite excited if I didn’t have Malosi, but as I have, I’m not going to be in a rush to spend darts on this one even though the other holies lurking in my roster are Justice (coming up to 3.70, will see some use) and G. Owl, 'nuff said. Will watch carefully how the smart guys use it before committing.


Most likely because otherwise all female avatars would be paywalled in PoV. There were some people pointing this out.

As of the Panda, it seems the most useful from the last 3 heroes that were available. Special needs correct usage, so not a defese hero, but on attack it can be pretty potent I wager. Though when you need to stop healing I would still go with Victor: faster, raises defense of everyone and while the amount of stolen HP is lower, it is stolen so better used.

Also, disappointed the special is not called Pandamonium. Wasted opportunity here.


Now i have plenty yellow heroes to work on and only 6 darts!

I think i will stick, still, to leveling SIF , not in the picture but the hero im working on. Though this new hotm seems to fit pretty well with my mist and joon

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More details later, BUT, been testing him since his release and I gotta say. DISAPPOINTING ! I’m not sure what SGs intent is with some HOTMs but it’s def not to give us any rare valuable sought after hero, not in this case at least.

  • His blind doesn’t seem to be working at the % advertised. Defense keeps hitting all my heroes without fail way more often than it should. Drake’s blind seems way more efficient and consistent at a mere -35%

  • 2 turns seems a very low length of time for a high rate (if it even worked properly) blind that’s only applied to a single hero. Should be a standard 3 turns.

  • Attack is way too low. Barely higher than Malosis, who we all know hits like a wet noodle.

Bai basically has the same base stats as Malosi, but at least Malosi is VF mana.

ATM the only thing I see of any value for Bai is his elemental link. +30% defense against special skills is something you can work with. HOWEVER, I think it should be increased to 6 turns.

I say all this considering that we already have other options in holy, Bai doesn’t seem to bring anything new to the table, and what little potential he has is squandered away by bringing him in at too low of levels…

Bai Yeong is a hard pass unless you’re out of choices or you have nothing better to do. Please fix him, he can still be cool…


He seems fairly good to me, not a special hero by any means but has a job and does it.

I would say the most important aspect of him is the big accuracy and healing de-buffs. Of course you must time it correctly but 2 turns is enough if you know someone dangerous is about to fire or someone just on the edge is about to be healed (corner kunchen in field aid war for example…).

In compassion with Malosi, I think BY is worse because although he can stop being hit rather than just the dot it’s not fool proof and he does it as a slower speed. So an attack percentage increase to compensate would be good but overall still a decent hero just not one to chase depending on your roster. Happy I got him anyway and will be maxed eventually I think.

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I think it’s wasted as they didn’t associate him with the other three pandas. He could have sha Ji’s heal, gan ju’s mana cut; together with hu Tao’s blind. His title would be ‘master of bamboo’. Lore wise he is the teacher for all three panda disciples


Besides Guardian Kong?

Exactly what a HOTM should be - funky, tactical and usable but not an OP beast that’s an instant priority.

Spot on from SGG IMHO