Bai Yeong – 5* Holy/ Yellow - September 2020 HOTM (Hero of the Month)

Thank you! I’m still leaning toward Norns. I’ve played with her at 3-70, and I see definite potential there.

I also have Roc as an option, but he doesn’t seem too popular.

Unfortunately this hero does not hit 3. His blind is the highlight. Otherwise, if you’re able to get enough yellow tiles to fire, might as well use a pure sniper and kill the opponent.

Therefore, this hero is not that good.


Nice. I guess we can start thinking on non-binary heroes :+1:


Next two HOTM are both female, for what ever reason SG switched things up

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That’s what I thought initially but then Zulag for October looks female so I’m guessing BY is male?

They’re all close calls in the mediocre end of the hero spectrum. IMHO Norns > Bai Yeong > Roc.

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Thank you!! That’s what I was thinking but it’s nice to see it from someone who knows better than me :slightly_smiling_face:

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

(mainly cuz my english sucks…)

Not to mention that if you hit Finley with Joon, he has a much higher chance of being dead.


I would be stoked to have this dude. I haven’t pulled an hotm since grazul so maybe I’m due? its not for a lack of trying!!!

I could this panda doing well against all the aoe debuffers on alliance war teams - fast blind is very effective, especially in a stack with joon and drake, just keep on blinding everybody!!


It used to be with only 1 turn duration, with overall all beta testers not really overjoing about it.
It was changed after.

A bit more or a bit less, opinions :slightly_smiling_face:

But i guess we don’t differ much about overall value.

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Guardian Kong? :sweat_smile:

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Bera, the upcoming Valhalla hero.

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That one turn duration was stupid IMO. I think even two turns at very fast would be on the short side fwiw.

Besides his low damage and his dispellable special, my problem with Bai Yeong is that I consider his blind and heal special as two separate ones that rarely work well simultaneously. I say this because I believe the chances of Bai Yeong targeting a hero about to hit your team within the next two turns, right before a non-dispeller hero is about to heal the target, are slim to none at his current mana speed.

So in this aspect, at vfast, Bai Yeong would be a good counter to Telluria, perhaps not as good, but close to Malosi, as he would cause Telly miss most, if not all of your team, while minimizing her own heal.

At fast speed I’m not sure Bai Yeong would be able to cast first but with decent boards, he can surely target a flank now, (the usual suspects of GM, JF, or Vela), and that’s pretty good too but that means his heal special becomes almost irrelevant.

Personally I would prefer him either exactly as he is now but very fast, or as a fast hit 3 hero, at 170 - 210% damage.

And again, just to be clear, I don’t think it’s a bad hero. I think many people who use him will be surprisingly pleased but I don’t see him as a must have.

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I rather see these so different skills as plan A and plan B.

Targeting an attacker? Blind is your skill!

Targeting a healer? Blind is useless, take a healing reduction!

At the end of the day yes, it is one thing or the other for me too.

Two turns duration is the same as Grazul, but Grazul is so you may be right.
At and 2 turns Panda would be really interesting.

But if i have to be honest, i rather have for now a more plain hero that doesn’t change much balance rather then another possible Telluria situation :sweat_smile:


How about another one in the list of Rangers: costumed and emblemed Lianna.

Att: 892 Def: 810 Health: 1436

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No of course. The panda will be not good in defence. Most of the specials require precise timing so the AI will not be good with it.

He / she is definitely an attacking hero.

God bless I have 2 onatel and grumble so his useless against them

I see it as an anti- snipers.

Could have a spot in yellow based teams.

The two de-buffs Bai apply are at odds with each other in that they are unlikely to both apply unless there is a HoT happening when her special is active. Players will use her special according to her accuracy de-buff and although possible, it seems unlikely that a heal will also get applied to the target during the two turns since the de-buff is active for such a short time. If they both come in handy during the two turns then great, but in general they don’t seem to be very synergistic.