Azmia’s emblem route

Hi everyone, I’m just levelling Azmia and would like to know what the best emblem route would be for her. Thanks.

For riposters usually health is the best focus :slight_smile:

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Okay thanks do you know if she is worth limit breaking

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Depends on who else you have and for what you plan to use her. She is a good hero though (exceptional until she was nerfed) with great passives and probably the best 4* counter-attacker (on offense at least, on defense Ferant may be better)

Thanks for that unfortunately I don’t have Ferant.

I’m just looking for a good tank for next weeks tournament Rush attack

Still, difficult to give feedback without knowing your other options. The off-colour for this tournament is Dark, so I would rather use a Holy tank.

Azmia can be easily dispelled on defense by various heroes - Caedmon and Melendor come to mind

Every hero has their own thread with a set of polls in the second post to help answer questions like these. Here you can specifically find emblem path and if she’s worth limit breaking.

Definitely worth ascension materials.