August 2024 TENTATIVE Calendar

Totally forgot about the atlantis change :roll_eyes:

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Which means that it crashes with WE-Wednesday :cry:

Finally some update coming again since the initial v69 release. They also finally added the announced heroes to HA10 today.


It is a shame to replace a new hero by an outdated hero in featured list. SG never learns. I am really tired of chasing new heroes but getting old ones instead.

English calendar/reference is updated with new changes.
Japanese version also updated.

PoV PoG details


Just yesterday we had an images calendar that included raid tournament schedule, war schedule, best hunting levels for PoV/PoG, etc…. Where did that go? Can we get that back?

Are you talking about any of these calendars in the first post, where I have merged your post ?

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Elioty must be busy so I tried my best.

  • 28th August Aether Summon date changed to 23rd of August [edit]
  • 30th August PickUp Summon got Constance replaced by Cardinal Richelieu as featured.
  • 31st August Soul Exchange list from :crystal_ball:
Soul Exchange list:
# souls Heroes
10 Aconia Nemesis Zenobia Ulius Leadria
15 Becky Constance Flip Thanatos Archie
20 Rochefort Queen Guowang Hypnos Cel Xandrella
  • 31st August Wildness Summon (4 days) added: featured heroes: Peregrine (new), Verity (new), Cennius.

English calendar/refenrece already updated with these changes. I will update Japanese version later today or tomorrow.


Don’t know where it was but it’s back now! :slight_smile:

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Another day, another update, with the introduction of the first Wilderness Summon, but I will spend my gems on the Harvest Summon already personally. They also already actually scheduled the Soul Exchange quite early this time, even before they finished with the teasing.


was hopping for secret hero before it ends =(


Yeah, me too, still waiting for tomorrow night to make sure they don’t schedule one at the last minute for the weekend or Monday.


not even a week after the new shiny Harvest Summon closes… it’s impossible to keep up with the amount of portals at this point :face_with_spiral_eyes: I wish the effort went more into other parts of the game so that we wouldn’t be getting 3 new bugs discovered every day


Still no secret summon scheduled. You can go on with your Harvest Summon if you want.


saad. thanks. and good luck on yours

@Elioty33 Are you thinking there will be no more Secret Heroes as a bonus summon?

The reason i ask is because in beta there is that shadow quest with shadow coins which im assumming means a shadow aka secret portal…

So maybe they are ditching secret heroes as a bonus summon in lieu of a new portal?

Edit: I really hope this is not the case. I really liked the idea of having a secret hero as a bonus draw…rotating and often. Of course what i want or think is cool never happens.

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Either this or they just don’t want to release new secret hero during Kalevala for obvious reasons. Not much money in a newly released hero if most people pull it freely from EHTs that they’ve been saving.


Reaching EoM now… Am looking forward to the feature hero prediction by our beloved Oracle soon.


I mean they released secret heroes last time when a big event was going on. Also it was during a time when you could use EHT to get spring heroes. So that Season Summon was fine. I know this because I got a secret hero from one of my EHT summons while Spring Season Summon was going on with Non-S1 heroes available. It was also during a big summoning event and when they were going through them all many different portals were available and all had secret hero as a bonus draw.

So I’m not sure it has to do with Kalevala since the previous Season Summon had secret heroes.

It is incredibly frustrating how they put in a feature I like then stop doing it. T.T

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Are we getting September predications anytime soon?
I really appreciate & thanks to who ever creating the Calendars & predications & updates each time …